For what purpose are we looking to evolve?

I am sure we don’t evolve for these kind of questions.


You did not give me a headache. If you are going to make a philosophical thread, please make it more than 4 fucking lines of abstract questions and claims.

There is nothing beyond and before existence. What does this mean?

How do you define existence?

Does existence end when there is no longer a physical body?

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I just think you ask the “wrong” questions.

Don’t ask why others are trying to evolve. Don’t focus on the collective. The collective doesn’t make changes and evolve. When the intelligent individual evolve, the collective mind stands in the line and follow.

Oh, the purpose of evolution:

I really hope I don’t have to explain the importance of fire, right? :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:


Isn’t it your Arch enemey ? Moist God lol

Well, fire makes me moist. Grilled beef makes my belly stuffed, and a stuffed belly makes me moist.

When fire was discovered, the ancient humans started cooking and preparing their meat, thus making the modern human intolerant to raw meat. Evolution.


That sounds like a pretty RHP perspective to me. The Greeks called it Henosis, merging with One, much like Nirvana. Personally I think it’s the path of cowards.

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I understand everything you say, what I was trying to understand is for example why souls and other forms of life from the different planes of existence continue to want to evolve? there is surely a final goal to that.
That’s why I find it annoying to always have to do the same thing without really knowing why in the final.It’s like giving you immortality, I find it useless…
Sorry, if I misspoke and can’t make myself understood.

Since according to Pythagoras, we all, humans, animals, Daemons, Gods, all of us sprung from One, we are thus little pieces of One. I say this, because ultimately One was once part of Chaos, before the Cosmos existed One was in Chaos, I assume somehow One observed other beings in Chaos, which resulted in One developing the desire to be separate, and thus the Cosmos was born.

One is pretty much the same as the Tao or the Way, it is a force which permeates every layer of the Cosmos, even gods travel its road, even gods live according to the laws of the Cosmos, just less limited than we are right now. One basically died, and became us, that was what I call the First Desire. This desire is the reason for those worthy to seek out evolution. We desire to be gods because that was what One ultimately thought would be ideal when it split into us. That current, the First Desire, runs through every world in the Cosmos, that is why evolution is sought.

These are the Pythagorean golden verses, they might shed light on what his Greek cult, along with people like Plato really believed:

  1. First worship the Immortal Gods, as they are established and ordained by the Law (The law is the First Desire)

  2. Reverence the Oath, and next the Heroes, full of goodness and light.

  3. Honour likewise the Terrestrial Daemons by rendering them the worship lawfully due to them.

  4. Honour likewise your parents, and those most nearly related to you.

  5. Of all the rest of mankind, make him your friend who distinguishes himself by his virtue.

  6. Always give ear to his mild exhortations, and take example from his virtuous and useful actions.

  7. Avoid as much as possible hating your friend for a slight fault.

  8. Power is a near neighbour to necessity.

  9. Know that all these things are just as what I have told you; and accustom yourself to overcome and vanquish these passions:–

  10. First gluttony, sloth, sensuality, and anger.

  11. Do nothing evil, neither in the presence of others, nor privately; (Evil is subjective)

  12. But above all things respect yourself.

  13. In the next place, observe justice in your actions and in your words.

  14. And do not accustom yourself to behave yourself in any thing without rule, and without reason.

  15. But always make this reflection, that it is ordained by destiny that all men shall die.

  16. And that the goods of fortune are uncertain; and that just as they may be acquired, they may likewise be lost.

  17. Concerning all the calamities that men suffer by divine fortune,

  18. Support your lot with patience, it is what it may be, and never complain at it.

  19. But endeavour what you can to remedy it.

  20. And consider that fate does not send the greatest portion of these misfortunes to good men.

  21. There are many sorts of reasonings among men, good and bad;

  22. Do not admire them too easily, nor reject them.

  23. But if falsehoods are advanced, hear them with mildness, and arm yourself with patience.

  24. Observe well, on every occasion, what I am going to tell you:–

  25. Do not let any man either by his words, or by his deeds, ever seduce you.

  26. Nor lure you to say or to do what is not profitable for yourself.

  27. Consult and deliberate before you act, that you may not commit foolish actions.

  28. For it is the part of a miserable man to speak and to act without reflection.

  29. But do the thing which will not afflict you afterwards, nor oblige you to repentance.

  30. Never do anything which you do not understand.

  31. But learn all you ought to know, and by that means you will lead a very pleasant life.

  32. In no way neglect the health of your body;

  33. But give it drink and food in due measure, and also the exercise of which it needs.

  34. Now by measure I mean what will not discomfort you.

  35. Accustom yourself to a way of living that is neat and decent without luxury.

  36. Avoid all things that will occasion envy.

  37. And do not be prodigal out of season, like someone who does not know what is decent and honourable.

  38. Neither be covetous nor stingy; a due measure is excellent in these things.

  39. Only do the things that cannot hurt you, and deliberate before you do them.

  40. Never allow sleep to close your eyelids, after you went to bed,

  41. Until you have examined all your actions of the day by your reason.

  42. In what have I done wrong? What have I done? What have I omitted that I ought to have done?

  43. If in this examination you find that you have done wrong, reprove yourself severely for it;

  44. And if you have done any good, rejoice.

  45. Practise thoroughly all these things; meditate on them well; you ought to love them with all your heart.

  46. It is those that will put you in the way of divine virtue.

  47. I swear it by he who has transmitted into our souls the Sacred Quaternion, the source of nature, whose cause is eternal.

  48. But never begin to set your hand to any work, until you have first prayed the gods to accomplish what you are going to begin.

  49. When you have made this habit familiar to you,

  50. You will know the constitution of the Immortal Gods and of men.

  51. Even how far the different beings extend, and what contains and binds them together.

  52. You shall likewise know that according to Law, the nature of this universe is in all things alike,

  53. So that you shall not hope what you ought not to hope; and nothing in this world shall be hidden from you.

  54. You will likewise know, that men draw upon themselves their own misfortunes voluntarily, and of their own free choice.

  55. Unhappy they are! They neither see nor understand that their good is near them.

  56. Few know how to deliver themselves out of their misfortunes.

  57. Such is the fate that blinds humankind, and takes away his senses.

  58. Like huge cylinders they roll back and forth, and always oppressed with innumerable ills.

  59. For fatal strife, natural, pursues them everywhere, tossing them up and down; nor do they perceive it.

  60. Instead of provoking and stirring it up, they ought to avoid it by yielding.

  61. Oh! Jupiter, our Father! If you would deliver men from all the evils that oppress them,

  62. Show them of what daemon they make use.

  63. But take courage; the race of humans is divine.

  64. Sacred nature reveals to them the most hidden mysteries.

  65. If she impart to you her secrets, you will easily perform all the things which I have ordained thee.

  66. And by the healing of your soul, you wilt deliver it from all evils, from all afflictions.

  67. But you should abstain from the meats, which we have forbidden in the purifications and in the deliverance of the soul;

  68. Make a just distinction of them, and examine all things well.

  69. Leave yourself always to be guided and directed by the understanding that comes from above, and that ought to hold the reins.

  70. And when, after having deprived yourself of your mortal body, you arrived at the most pure Aither,

  71. You shall be a God, immortal, incorruptible, and Death shall have no more dominion over you


So your purpose in life and personal reason for existence is to always be a little wet?


I didn’t expect a better answer, it’s very interesting. thanks

We are living in either the last, or second last age of the Cosmos. In my opinion, the Greek ages aren’t ages in the sense that they were measurements of advancement, nor are they connected to any other cosmological set of ages. They speak of different iterations of the universe, which is as a womb dimension, from which all others once sprung. The Gods lived in the Golden age of men, the first age of man, born perfect and untouched by death they could leave their bodies and be Gods as we know them today as soon as they desired it.

This is because there is a mechanism in the Cosmos, called the Cosmic sea, born from the blood of One, this blood is where souls come from, the souls of Gods, Daemons, men, and all other things. In the first age the Cosmic sea was full, by the end of the Golden age, the universe started to contract, as we know it still does, the Cosmic sea determined that if it were to birth another God, the universe, which is one layer of Cosmos, would cease to exist, there simply wasn’t enough blood left. The universe contracted, and that age was ended.

The universe was born anew, due to there still being blood in the Cosmic sea, and thus it expanded again. This resulted in the Silver age of men, the age in which the Daemons, and other beings lived, not as perfect as Gods, but close, it is in this age that magic was born, born from the need to transcend the limits imposed upon them by the Cosmos so that they too could ascend, some Daemons have reached the level of Gods because of this. Some aren’t quite done with their ascent, but have succeeded in reaching the other layers of the Cosmos so as to continue their ascent, as immortals. And like the Golden age, when the Cosmic sea felt it could not birth souls of such potential into the world anymore, the universe contracted again.

This continued with the Bronze, and Heroic ages. Each iteration of the universe had people with souls of less inherent potential than before, but through magic there was a way to fix this. We are currently living in the Iron age, so the inherent power and potential of our souls are far less, but this is why Zeus, the king of this age, Phanes was the assigned king of the first age, asked the Daemons to teach us humans the ways of magic, so as to escape this layer, and become Gods.

Eventually the Cosmic sea will run dry, all layers of the Cosmos will collapse, and those who remain will drink from the last droplets of the Cosmic sea, so as to be ready for their birth into Chaos.


I am struggling with this question myself, but since I work with the Light, pushing back darkness and death is kinda what I do.

Why existence came to be, or if there is any “why” to begin with, are far out questions that, to me, are irrelevant.

What is relevant is a good existence, and evolution is an arms race between the many parties that seek dominion over the Earth.

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Why do I evolve? Because that is my purpose, that is what I choose to be.

I believe striving to evolve comes from humans needing things to do beyond our basic animalistic drives. Otherwise you risk the perils of nihilism and nothingness.

If you’re stuck in the same loop, you’re not evolving.
Being bored is a direct result of stasis.

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I think evolution is an eternal thing. We are all part of the same one source that caused this existance. We all come from the same one thing trying to expand and learn about itself. We all can connect to it if meditating deeply or under the influence of entheogena it becomes very apparent. Ive explored this deeply and found that we are basically like a living in a big database collecting information (experience) from living life. I feel like this process is an infinate never ending one. Always expanding, always learning. When we evolve, more will become possible, more will be accessible, and we will become all powerful in essence. Im not sure what to expect from the next life (need ti read those journey of the souls books my dad got me) supposed to answer all the afterlife questions.

But yeah also i think evolution has different parts and steps both as an individual and as a whole. In our lives we evolve our minds, our ideas expand, we learn and experence new shit that changes our perspectives ( is this not evolution?), we overcome obsticles and in doing so become stronger and learn more information. All this to benefit the all (which i also think is just part of something bigger also trying to evolve and expand.) Just like we are made up of tiny atoms, i think the all is one small part to something much more vast than a human being could comprehend. I think we will get there tho. Not to even mention the black alchemy of Belial (now thats some interrrresting shit).

Keep living, keep expanding, keep learning, keep evolving. This is not all for nothing. :wink:


Personally I think the goal is to be present at all times to experience fully. I believe we reincarnate here over and over simply to gain wisdom. To me wisdom can not be collected simply from studies but it has to have emotional experiences as a filter to mold it into wisdom. I believe also that it is somehow about connecting to other souls. Every time we learn to be more wise we get more connected and we learn more. In a sense I think you get stuck in a boredom loop when you don’t observe the current moment enough but live in the future all the time when all the info you need to evolve is in your daily life and experiences. And wisdom to a certain degree can help you develop. So to me basically even if we do reincarnate it is the isolated moments that are the goal in themselves. If you don’t see the big picture, maybe look chloser. William Blake said it very interestingly:

To see a World in a Grain of Sand
And a Heaven in a Wild Flower
Hold Infinity in the palm of your hand
And Eternity in an hour

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It’s a way of earning freedom, but you must choose (and acomplish it through life, no tricks allowed). It’s impossible to find a rational meaning of creation since God’s Will is unfathomable, the only thing magicians seem to know is that soul fall (into duality) to start what seems a universal journey of involution (got covered by animal skins), lose contact with unity (and here starts the return to eternity, once conscious contact with it has been lost) and must choose to return by their own will (it takes lifes and reincarnation), it seems as a kind of present of freedom from its Source.

When returned they become their limitless potential

You have excellent taste. I prefer this little number though:

“We shall not cease from exploration, and the end of all our exploring will be to arrive where we started and know the place for the first time.”

– T.S. Elliot

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“I must create a system or be enslaved by another mans; I will not reason and compare: my business is to create.” - William Blake

Romantics were an interesting bunch. Lord Byron too.