For Light workers about calling angels

Hey guys, lots of people write about problems they encounter when calling angels. You will have more success if you sing their names. Best is to use a high-pitch voice.

To ensure success in calling angels you can use a bell too. One bell ringing with a nice long resonance is best.



Yup! I find it interesting that people don’t do it, most of the really old Jewish grimoires I’ve read note that it’s really important to sing to them :slight_smile:


Damon Brand mentions this in his books. Doesn’t say anything about using “a high pitched voice” though, and since the Gallery of Magick has studied some pretty traditional texts, if it was required, I’m sure he’d have mentioned it.

To me, claiming a high pitched voice is best is just ridiculous, because not everyone can produce one. What matters is the song, not the key. Singing an angel’s name in bass, would have the same effect as singing it in soprano.


Well one has to try it cause a high pitch voice will work always better :wink: and even men can do it and in time get really good at it

Yes i am really shocked too cause they all want results but only a few take seriously what the angelic beings wish. A lot of people think only about themselves and what they want…


Ah yes, another secret to successfully call on angels is to wear white during the ritual and use a white feather (bigger is better) to call them when tracing the invoking Pentagrams of the 4 cardinal directions.

Just try it guys and you will see it works wonders!



That’s a pretty bold statement.

I’ve had angels with me for my entire life and have never once sang their names, had them ask me to sing their names, show the slightest bit of disappointment that I don’t do it, or be any less responsive because of it. In fact, they usually just show up on their own.

Different strokes for different folks :woman_shrugging:t3:


That is nice, you are human!

Yes, that is correct.


I’d say its more the intent you project no matter what the tool. Acording to lore angels have done things that aren’t perceived as nice and sweet. They aren’t all Clarence or Care Bears.

I’ve been dream communicating with some lately but the messages are cryptic images and I suspect they are relaying something about technology. I can’t say its a warning though.

As to wants and desires; I’m in that time of my life where i don’t know what I want. What do I need? I guess something to sate a craving or end my apathy and discontentment. I’d say I’m more in the apathy/blahs than anything else. Would money or space or things help? No, probably not.

Well, space maybe. We probably might all feel a bit closed in but i can sleep or meditate into a dreamy open space. Health is always a top concern since I am relied upon at times. Physical before mental before spiritual lately (seems ass-backwards lol). My spirituality has really taken a pounding. I’m not mentally challenging myself either. At least I am giving physical health a turn but it seems to suffer when the other two are so torn.

Angels, I hear, seem to work the spiritual.

I listen to various shows esp about the “exorcists” and those that are supposedly bound to warrior angels (was on coast to coast recently). They say even saying a demons name will get you afflicted by evil and torment by demons. I lol’d. If that chick heard the sex spirit chants I did and rituals i performed she’s say i was possessed. And tbh, some of the rituals of pleasure that was an entire point. Fascinating workings for many carnal and physical desires. And yes, tha can be tempting to go back into but i changed paths.

Angels are great messengers and would probably be more efficient for me if I dropped all the negative bias i accumulated. I’m pretty neutral tbh. I would say the same for the Trinity but I have a hard time perceiving them as real beyond what mid-east Tomes praise. I could make them more real in my mind but it would feel like a one way deceptive conversation.

I get better results when i liken angels to Nordic persona. Spirits have to earn my respect and vis versa i suppose for them. I’d rather be challenged by spirits rather than just blindly agreeing with them. At times, i prefer they don’t help but hinder me. Its even hilarious when i complain later.

For those that are light workers its probably a no brainer to try angels as they perceive them. What works for the individual is fine.

High voices? Why? Can’t have a good choir with solid high pitched squeaky voices.


Taking a note about singing there name I tend to just vibrate, I just did alot of work with guardian angels even wrote out pray request letters for other people to read with instructions vibrate name read this right to left speak this psalms out loud.


Do you have any of these you can recommend and where to find?

Thank You. :slightly_smiling_face:

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Ok since I don’t consider myself a light worker I guess this doesn’t apply to me. :sweat_smile:

No really, singing is one method, but there are so many. It’s a good advice for people who don’t have success and don’t know what to do. The bell also.

I wouldn’t go as far as saying people who don’t sing sre ignoring the angels’ wishes though, this is pretty one sided.


Probably it is easier to manifest for them when their names are singed, because angels are born when Metatron sing.

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I dont think im a light worker, but have worked with Angels a lot in my past, best way to communicate to me is by prayer


Really fascinating work!! Would be so awesome if you would share some gnosis.


Well if ou share our birthdate and time I’ll tell you who precodes over you physically emotionally intellectually and numerically.


How do you do that?

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There’s an angel charged with taking care of man in each of these ways according to when your born, so just need birthdate and time to show you if you’d like to know yours I’ll use my notebook for you.


Ok i will pm you

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