For EA/Satan?Lucifer:Where is the Feminine? Where are the dark female demons? Where is the female power?

Hi EA,

I am new to this type of thing but something (in my limited amount of knowledge) seems to be glaringly obvious to me, that there seems an overwhelming dominance of the masculine, just like with those middle eastern religions. Where are the powerful female beings? Why are most of these beings referred to as he/him? Why does the energy sound strongly masculine?

I ask as a woman who grew up without a strong female role model and swallowed the patriarchal fodder I was fed being told not to question it. However, I did,in my own subtle way, keep in mind ways to avoid being “the little woman”. It took me a bit longer to wake up and see most of the religions are dominantly masculine, it seems the darker/LH path is no different. This is my observation at this point in time.

Can you ask Lucifer, “Where are our strong females?” Where is the Feminine god-like/goddess empowerment in the demonic/Luciferian side of things?" I only see “whore” or maybe mother if you are lucky, that females are sexualised.

Perhaps I have certain filters but I see more masculine energy and this is really bothering me. This could literally be a deal breaker to me. I don’t mind a father figure but I need the feminine to balance it up and be just as powerful.

Thank you in anticipation.


the feminine doesn’t exactly mean the being is female nor do the masculine exactly means the being is male. However, there is Lilith a strong feminine energy, but Lucifer himself as well can have a strong feminine energy if he so chose to.


Look into Asenath Mason’s work, she’s put out a lot of stuff through BALG and it has a decent emphasis on the Dark Feminine.


Okay Rungr, it just seems to be a very glaring thing for me, that the energy feels distinctly masculine to me and the guises are also masculine. Look how Lilith has been treated too. She has been called all sorts of horrible things and she was not a demon at all (at least at her origin). It doesn’t sit well with me.


Oh yes, that dark haired lady. Yes, I recall listening to her talk about Draconian magic on YouTube. I will do that, thanks Nyxifer.


Kristen I think you are right about the things you wrote about Lilith
I read some of her past thousands of years ago


I read she was Adam’s first wife who refused to be “under” him, to submit and she would also not listen to god or the angels after she took off. She is my idea of a great, bad ass woman :wink:


Correct Kristen, She refused to have sex with Adam bcs She did not like him at all


Define what you mean by feminine energy vs masculine energy. Do you just mean you want more entities thst are traditionally depicted as females or what?

Because Lucifer exibits a lot of feminine qualities and even shows up in female forms from time to tine so I’m wondering what the actual root of the issue is here.


I mean strong female energy, strong feminine characteristics that empower. That’s what I mean.


Okay, but that’s kinda confusing. What specific traits make something “feminine”. Like, specific adjectives. Also, what types of things make you feel empowered?


Basically, I think that the feminine is not recognised as being equal or powerful in the world around me and that it is reflected often in the spiritual world (possibly due to my mundane filters).


[quote=“Kristen, post:1, topic:68965”]
I only see “whore” or maybe mother if you are lucky, that females are sexualised.[/quote]

Goddamn, being judgemental much? Lolz. Who wants to a fucking virgin, sexless woman? Not me. I do whatever or whomever I fucking want to. You don’t like that.
Screenshot_2019-05-23-23-22-50-1 Screenshot_2019-05-23-23-21-53-1

Being proud of my womanhood in every way. Not giving 1 solid fuck about anyone or society thinks about it. I am proud of being a divine Whore.

No shame in my game.


Okay I don’t need aggression for you to get your point across to me. However, you do have a very valid point. Sexless, no! That is not what I am talking about, I am talking about women/the feminine that is expected to be serving the masculine and fulfilling those expectations rather than our own. I am looking to understand why everything “seems” or “sounds” masculine heavy. However, from other responses, it seems perhaps Lucifer has it covered? Not sure, I don’t know enough yet.

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I did read this thread, thanks Yberioth. I am just frustrated and from my own perspective, I see a lot more of the masculine but perhaps I am looking with the wrong eyes? Perhaps I do need to look past the obvious gender stuff? Maybe it is my own filters? …


glad you realize it.

My Lady Hator always be with you.




Ah, is Hator the same as what I know as Hathor? :slight_smile: thank you.

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yes, might have misspelled her name.

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I was just wondering if she had another version of her name, not picking out any spelling errors :wink:

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