For 5 years I did not get a result in magic

What exactly to tell? What have I tried? I have tried many things from meditation to spirit invocation. Demon seal and circle with candles. Meditations to turn off the internal dialogue. As an example of course. I don’t really believe that they will help me, I’m just here to hear why I didn’t succeed and that’s it

but what it is you need to manifest? we can help you be more specific

I have to do it myself. And don’t ask for help

I wish you the best of luck. Believe in oneself, in the workings. And forget it afterwards

I won’t do magic no more
But thank you

Imop it’s almost always the user trying to manifest results that do not fit with their life and their purpose or the expectations are above and beyond what is possible based on what’s available and what that person is willing to do.

For example trying to keep someone in your life that abuses you, but thinking if they only changed that one thing, everything would be perfect. Or manifesting you ur ex back but only taking them back after they’ve conceded to go with your every whim and you’ve made them admit their every fault.

Most peoples will power is shit, if they want something they can’t give up something else to have it. A strong willpower goes a long ways but only you can cultivate that. Can you make yourself do things you don’t want to?

For example if you want a new computer, have you ever given up something you like, like smoking or drinking coffee so you could save the money to have it?

I have, every cup of coffee I drank would take me longer to pay for a laptop, so I stopped drinking coffee creamer, which meant I stopped drinking coffee because I don’t like it without.

Did I smoke too much today? I can make myself ignore the desire to smoke when I’ve been stress smoking, I can delay when I go to smoke by hours simply by doing something and keeping busy, starting a project, cleaning a room, washing dishes… etc point is I will make myself do something before I get what I want, just to ensure that desire isn’t leeching my willpower.

When I’m at the store and I have $50 do I want 50 of toilet paper, laundry soap and cat litter or $50 of one new shirt I will only wear for special occasions?

This one equates to are you responsible enough for what you are asking for. For example if you want a car, but you don’t know how to perform maintenance or recognize when it needs a mechanic, it might cost you more than it’s worth to have.

Or if you can’t remember to feed your dog, how can you expect to…

Is the thing you’re trying to manifest the thing you won’t let go off? Chances are you’ll never have it while you insist you will not live without whoever or whatever it is.

Pretty much everything can be wrong or go wrong but it’s mostly related to you, your mind, your circumstances and what you will and won’t do, consider and accept.


Are you saying that you to give something in order to get something in return?

No. In most cases a sacrifice of any sort when using magic is ridiculous. We do magic to avoid these not add to them. I was really inquiring about your willingness to do what it takes to have what you want.

If you have a dog but dad says you have to clean the dog shit out of the yard because he’s not walking in it or mowing it, do you just do what you should or do you have to argue or be motivated to do it?

For example, I don’t think my husband has ever asked me to wash dishes because I just do them when I see them in the sink. He’s asked me to wash laundry but only because he wanted something done extra that wasn’t in the basket already and it needed special care.

I just do the things I should do, I don’t need told or asked most of the time.

So I am inquiring about your willpower, self responsibility and self control and simply demonstrating ways you may or not exhibit these qualities with examples from my life :slight_smile:

The qualities themselves and whether or not they are strong within you can affect certain types of energy and results. Wanting something too much or too little or being unable to care for it if you received it, can all net result issues.

There are lots of things I am lazy on, but I would probably not do magic to clean up those areas unless it was my intent to get more done or to get help doing it, because I wouldn’t expect magic to make me a beautiful house if I haven’t cleaned the living room first.

I wouldn’t bring home a kitten unless I had cat food and a litter box or could it right then, right away.

So are you prepared for the results?

Or if I rented and my landlord said no pets, I wouldn’t go get a pet so he could throw us both out when he found out, I’d simply have no pet until I could move.

I wouldn’t try to change his mind because people can be quite determined and I wouldn’t want to net a negative living space, but I would try to magic up a new place, money to move etc.

Like we be saying, lots can wrong! :rofl:


Maybe because you gave up too soon, and your expectations are mismatched. A lot of resources give the impression it’s easy, and it’s not. If it was we’d all do it.

It took @DarkestKnight 10 years to get evocation to work. He didn’t give up.

I spent 30 years just on energy working and astral development before I found western occultism. I’m pretty sure it would not have worked for me either if I’d have expected to manifest without having the groundwork. And still not all workings are successful all the time.

What I do for these is take each one on a case by case basis to understand why each one failed and what can be done about it. Every case is a lesson learned that makes your magick better.
If you’re not learning from these even more than from the successes then that doesn’t help you move forward.


The problem is not in the rituals, but in the abilities of the boilers I don’t have. This is my main problem

Sorry? What do you mean by boilers?

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Oh, sorry, my English is not very good, I meant that I have very poor abilities, if any.

We all had to start somewhere. :smiley:

What’s in the way of you developing your abilities? You have been trying for 5 years, but maybe what you were doing didn’t suit you? Is it a, making time to practice, issue?

My internal dialogue and my mind are very strong. I think a lot this is probably my biggest problem

So I would day meditation like zazen would be useless for you, and instead to channel that energy into something like shamanic journeying where the dialog is an advantage.

Where can I read and learn more about this?

Check out the Core Shamanism tutorial: powerful and tool free, and great to work with when you have an active mind… this is a whole system.



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I think you should see this as a good trait in yourself. Thinking a lot is not necessarily a problem unless you get off track in what you are attempting to achieve.

With your very strong mind and internal dialogue, geared towards achievement, well, you should be utterly unstoppable.

If you reign in your thoughts to choose the positive more often than the negative then you will see improvements along the way. Thinking deeply into a situation might be the very thing that works for you… as long as you tune your thoughts into succeeding.

Since you say you think a lot why not try reading some Neville Goddard and take a look at @anon97554939’s topic on using your energy to implant thoughts into others?

These approaches might work better for you than rituals and with Keteriya’s technique (and you don’t always have to put the thought into others minds, you can simply create the thought as something you want to be) you can use the fact that you think a lot to help you build new realities.


Try this, do it for 1 month at least than try to some ritual or spells.

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