Fluoride poison

So I’ve been thinking of tab water alternatives because I heard that there was fluoride inside and that that’s not good for us. Even when I look at bottled water in the store I see that there is fluoride inside. And I thought maybe I can drink carrot juice for a living?? I mean… I like carrots. Is that possible? Well there would maybe still be toxins inside cause they leave chem trails in the air and all those toxins will fall onto our vegetables. Is there really any way to drink clean water nowadays? I was thinking of buying a filter I just don’t know witch one. If y’all have ideas let me know.

get a built in filtration system for your tap water

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Will any do?

mines fairly complex built into my sink by some professional people, so i’d look into how much fluoride the filters like the brita ones actually filter out.

ive been using the brita ones already, and im sure they work well too

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There’s not much you can do. There’s poison in the water, poison in air. It’s in our toothpaste and in our food. We’re all gonna die–most from cancer.

Enjoy the rest of your day.


LOL it sounded funny when I read it but it it sadly has a ring of truth to it.

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Easiest way is to buy a distiller. Most regular filters don’t remove fluoride. I use this one, it’s a bit pricey but it’s a good investment. Don’t try to skimp and get a cheap knockoff from China, I tried one and it broke randomly after 6 months.

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Not to be a dick but have you actually checked if your area has fluoridated water?

Could save yourself a lot of grief by knowing that first.

Also don;t get weird and elaborate about juices, actually research the issue and be chill, many people on here still use fluoride toothpaste, personally I hate the addition of fluoride in our lives but you don’t need to go total mindblown crazy about it.

  1. look up if your location actually adds fluoride to the water

  2. eliminate fluoridated toothpaste if you choose to do so

  3. be chill.

Stress will fuck you up worse than anything in trace amounts can, and in a shorter time period.


You’re always so wise, I love it.


Love your profile picture, Nintrome !

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This made me smile…:smile::smile::smile:


Well I mean. Maybe if you don’t mind an orange tint to your skin… but carrot juice does have added water, unless your making that yourself your probably not going to know what water source is used for your juice…


I’ll drink to that


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Don’t do the carrot juice instead of water. A man drank 10 gallons of carrot juice in 10 days, and died due to liver damage. You can get fluoride filters to put on your faucets, and on your whole house. There is toothpaste without it too.

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@Lady_Eva [quote=“Lady_Eva, post:9, topic:63697”]
Stress will fuck you up worse than anything in trace amounts can, and in a shorter time period
[/quote] so true for every situation. I needed to hear that today. Thank you. Stress is basically the precursor for all illness. Good thing to be mindful of and keep in check. :+1:


But, flouride is good for your teeth. If the government was really trying to fuck you guys over, wouldn’t they leave out the flouride so that everyone gets bad teeth and needs metal fillings and then the government could control you.


Hi @StewardofSophia,

Fluoride is bad for your pineal gland and suppresses the use of your 3rd eye.
How long you been practicing buddhism?


Theravada Buddhism doesn’t have chakras, but that doesn’t mean that they don’t exist, only that they aren’t necessary for liberation. Because the Buddha only taught what was necessary for liberation. Vast stores of his wisdom and knowledge went untaught.

Since March, but I’ve already learned a lot.

I question this claim. I don’t think it’s the case.

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No I found it interesting, I studied Mahayana Buddhism LOL