Flour...it's not just for VeVes anymore!

So last night I did a little experiment.
Now first I have the second gateway inscribed on the northern wall of my temple.I’ve opened it before,but nother really came of it.
So I decided to draw the gateway on my floor with flour.(Which was a bitch by the way.The videos of people I’ve seen drawing VeVes made it look so easy.)
I then stood in my UC,dropped into trance,and recited the Grand Conjuration.
The gateway didn’t flash like a sigil but started glowing and looked like it was floating in the air.
I called upon the Anatel which are the demonic warriors that are supposed to be found through the gate.
I could feel something coming through so I tried to communicate with the presence.
I got the impression that their purpose was to destroy.
So I sent them off on a task and we’ll see what happens!

PS:Does anyone know an easier way to draw with flour? Like get it wet or mix it with oil?

You can use natron for the same purpose and it’s coarser and easier to work with. You can Google how to make your own, but it’s basically mix equal parts kosher salt and baking soda in a bowl with enough water to make is soupy but not completely watery; pour onto a large sheet and let it sit until the water has evaporated which can take up to a week (or put in the over on the lowest setting to speed this up). Once dry, break it up and grind it with a mortal and pestle until it’s to what ever level of coarseness (or fine ground if you prefer) you want. Now dump that shit into a large mason jar and use it for whatever you want.

Cool method.I’ll definitely try this because I want to use this for gateways and sigils which are extremely intricate.

The funny thing is was when I opened the gateway all the disfiguration and bits of flour spots dissapeared and it looked perfect.
Reminds me of when EA drew Belial’s sigil from memory in the ME program and he said the lines he missed appeared and flashed.
It’s almost like the spirits know what you’re going to do before you do.

[quote=“Musta_Krackish, post:1, topic:2516”]So last night I did a little experiment.
Now first I have the second gateway inscribed on the northern wall of my temple.I’ve opened it before,but nother really came of it.
So I decided to draw the gateway on my floor with flour.(Which was a bitch by the way.The videos of people I’ve seen drawing VeVes made it look so easy.)
I then stood in my UC,dropped into trance,and recited the Grand Conjuration.
The gateway didn’t flash like a sigil but started glowing and looked like it was floating in the air.
I called upon the Anatel which are the demonic warriors that are supposed to be found through the gate.
I could feel something coming through so I tried to communicate with the presence.
I got the impression that their purpose was to destroy.
So I sent them off on a task and we’ll see what happens!

PS:Does anyone know an easier way to draw with flour? Like get it wet or mix it with oil?[/quote]instead if using flower. Did you think of using chalk? Or casscarilla? Its used in saneria in palo. Thats what i use when i do my circles for evocations. Because its easy to clean up