Fixing an obstacle arpoximately 20-30 years from now (roughly around 80-120 years from now, in my own timeline)

To be fair,
that’s probably why I had such an urge to disagree to your viewpoint.
Real-time alteration is a little different than that.

there’s a part of me living outside of time entirely,
which does see such effects.

If it goes that way,
there’s a good reason for why it’s supposed to go that way.

I’ve shared a good deal of those pieces of information,
that lied dormant between the worlds when I answered Manosman. :wink:

So, yes, i do apriciate helpful suggestions.

But film-based suggestions,
sorry for that,
but I have to take those with a grain of salt.

Good point.

I wasn’t shown us disagreeing about her,
more that he was supposed to understand it that way.

He’ll have to think that i dislike her,
for him to actually leave and go into his own life with her.

The option of them never meeting is kind of interesting.

a muffling spell could help there.


So much input so quickly.

Gotta talk to my Godself about it.

Oh and in regards of “becoming something devastating”,
i’ve shed blood,
and i’ve tortured.
I have also killed.

Not really a concern of mine,
of “becoming” anything i don’t already am. :wink:




I mean, even if something happens and he meets her, then if you actively show him that you like her and you give your blessing.

However, not meeting her in the first place, or meeting and loving another woman, without caring for the one in your vision, is also a great way. However, that plan could end up failing if not done correctly.

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You should check it out with your godform and perhaps some energies?
Do your thing! However, no matter what, you won’t be dying, not on my watch! :grin:

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Indeed, all these points are perfectly reasonable and making sense.

And my senses tell me that this might be a good alternative solution.

I’ll definitely get back to you,
when i had a conversation about it with O’Beryon.

yeah, thanks for that confirmation.
It’s kind of calming,
to have a more firm understanding of the safety part. :blush:

oh, i wish i had more time to focus on this right now.

But i’m already late on other endeavors,
and i’ve been given a good stretch of time,
so i can comfortably schedule it with my normal stuff.


It just is so enthralling to know I can’t complete that work right now. xD

(well, now and for several years, since the actual manifestation is definitely in a different stage of my incarnation.)



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It is indeed.

True XD You only have 30 years to take care of it XDD.


yeah, right???

Never bad to start early!!



To be fair,
i’ve also been working on an incarnation at least 300 years from now,
before this,

But i didn’t take it such serious as the current one,
because this is actually an incarnation i’m currently having,
while the other one,
i could handle more from a detatched state.



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Couldn’t agree more! XD

I mean, we’re already incarnations of our godforms XD. But I also may do something later, but I don’t want to plan it yet, I want to see how history will evolve first.

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you know,
i always have an open ear for you,



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Of course I do! I’ll keep you up to date with what I’m doing… when I actually realise it myself as well XDD.

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Interesting dilemma. Changing the future is not so much a perilous task as the future is always in flux. The real trick here is not trapping yourself in some kind of paradoxical state. You could stop making potions altogether,but by doing so you would have changed the future you saw. Therefore if that future never happens you don’t receive a vision of it in the first place leaving you back at square one where you die. I think any version of you altering the potion would probably lead to this result. If however you changed small details that would affect the chain of events, theoretically you could avoid the entire situation. The real question is what you can change without paradox if anything. Seeing that version of the future implies that changing any event leading up to it could bring you back to square one. Perhaps the answer here is not to focus on avoiding getting poisoned, rather having a contingency in place for when it does happen.
Of course all this is based on a linear view of time. Which personally I do not subscribe to based on my own learning and experience. I would say that time is more like an infinite ocean with trillions of currents running through it. In which case, with help you could probably just jump out of the current you are in and into another one.
Not sure if I have been helpful or not but I wanted to put in my 2 cents😁



Sure, and the Pope would stop giving blessings,
and the President would stop collecting taxes.^^

Oh yes, you have.

And you’re closer to answering correctly then you think. :wink:



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I wish I could be more help but I don’t really have any ideas on how to expand on this sorry my original suggestion wasn’t very helpful. I do find the conversation interesting though.

Unfortunately at this point I just don’t know a whole lot about affecting time except through physical action in the present and being able to see through time through divinations.

But to actually be able to hold it and manipulate it is an entirely different thing all together that I am not at all experienced in

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i value that you intended best when you wanted to give your suggestions.

i know that there’s only a handful of members actually practicing it on a degree,
that allows for reasonable understanding and approaches on the subject.

I hope i didn’t dis-encourage you on working your way into the field.

It doesn’t look as difficult as it seems now,
once you look down onto the 4th dimension from the 5th. :wink:



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Thanks for the tip bookmarked it for later.

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I think i have it so far.


Charging on Progress. xD

With a nice Self-Empowerment inside of it. xD

Let’s give it an Yberion Smile. xD



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I am not understanding how the girl is involved. Who’s targeting her? Why does his meeting her lead to your death. I’m sorry If I missed something :slight_smile:

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because it’s not revealed exactly.

According to the video,
she might be either the daugther of an enemy,
or the Daugther of a company leader,
which is in competition to my own.

It’s not exactly clear,
and my Godform didn’t go into that either.

What my Godform suggested,
was that i kind of knew,
she’d be the right match for my son,
to go with.

So i assume,
she’s somehow genetically matching up,
to the gene modifications done on me,
which in case of a biological son,
would have been passed on towards him.

As i carried some modifications from my anchestry before,
which currently are being overwritten,
to some extend,

Well, by this:

So since he’s carrying the gene forward,
he’ll likely not be compatible with just any random breed of a mortal. :wink:



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I may only be catching the gist of what you are saying in this thread, but …

In time, create a safe anti-dote? With not fear but love being one of the ingredients?


yeah, i basically already solved that issue.

The Major request,
was infact to install a fail-safe,
so i keep breathing when being strangled.

I increased my throat’s resitance,
and my future self said:
Thank you, now it’s fine.

It seems he needed that improvement,
due to being unable to do bone breathing (breathless breathing),
while the potion is around,
since that would increase the consumption of the potion.

But with the current physical adjustments,
my throut keeps a thin line of consistent airflow,
even while being strangled.

So Future me said that’s fine,
and keeps me safe by then.

