Fixing an obstacle arpoximately 20-30 years from now (roughly around 80-120 years from now, in my own timeline)

because it’s not revealed exactly.

According to the video,
she might be either the daugther of an enemy,
or the Daugther of a company leader,
which is in competition to my own.

It’s not exactly clear,
and my Godform didn’t go into that either.

What my Godform suggested,
was that i kind of knew,
she’d be the right match for my son,
to go with.

So i assume,
she’s somehow genetically matching up,
to the gene modifications done on me,
which in case of a biological son,
would have been passed on towards him.

As i carried some modifications from my anchestry before,
which currently are being overwritten,
to some extend,

Well, by this:

So since he’s carrying the gene forward,
he’ll likely not be compatible with just any random breed of a mortal. :wink:



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