First time summoning Sallos

Hi! So I’ve been researching for a while how to contact a demon for help in receiving a nice text from my ex, just a simple “I miss you”, so i decided to try contacting Sallos. I lit a white pillar candle and sat in front of it, lights turned off, ac and fans off, nobody but me. Then I drew the sigil, and heres where it gets interesting. I heard that you have to turn the sigil at a 45 degree angle to open the way and as soon as i did that the candle flame flickered crazy for a second then stopped with a high flame. I sat there for a minute staring at the sigil when i heard what sounded like a tiny clicking sound to the left of me. I made my verbal petition to Sallos and waited a few more minutes then said goodbye and blew the candle out. What im wondering is was I heard? And how long do you think a small request for a text message would take?


Yes you were heard. Spirits always hear when you speak their names. As far as if it will actually manifest results, that’s up to you. If you doubt whether or not there will be manifest results, you weaken the working. Be sure of manifestation, but don’t be too narrow-focused on a specific method of manifestation. For all you know you could get an email or physical letter, or the person could just walk right up to you and start talking to you.


As the person above me said, the Spirits always listen. I am a beginner practicioner of magick and when I did my first ever Sallos evocation verbally, well, let me tell you, he definetly listens. However tho, here’s the thing, after doing the evocation you cant expect results immediatly(atleast in my case), so the best thing to do is just continue on with your life until something happens, but never doubt Duke Sallos, he will help you indeed!


Whew ok I was starting to have my doubts and decided to meditate in the dark lying down, I chanted in my head for help. An hour passed by and I rolled onto my side, went into sleep paralysis and immediately felt these vibrations and felt a slight presence. I guessed Duke Sallos and felt a yes, and then i proceeded to give my petition in my head. Feeling that he felt satisfied with it I thanked him, and said “blessed be” for some reason, and then I was able to move my body!