First Shamanic Journey to the MiddleEarth

So after starting to look into reiki I discovered a former colleague youtube where she had a guided Shamanic journey to meet your animal guide. The experience was amazing. I was supposed to see my guide and ask him a question then to follow him and see where we go. The animal that appeared to me was the hare. (looking into it today I am amazed as I read ‘In many myths and legends, Rabbits act as guides between Heaven, the Earth, and The Underworld. They’re a potent emblem of Shamanic journeys and may even be called upon to monitor those rituals.’ so me having seen this powerful shamanic symbol on my first journey is mindblowing). My question to him was what is my life purpose. I followed the rabbit through a thin forest, a young forest and we ended up on a mountain top, I could see the precipice in front of me, the air was crisp and cool, the sky was an amazing light blue and on my right hand side there was a huge yellow sun that appeared to be just next to me, huge and yellow and bright. I could also see on another mountain top onto my right the Christ statue, Christ the Redeemer from Sao Paolo.
Still no clue about my purpose in life other than maybe transcend the mundane world…
Any ideas?
Anyone else had any interesting experiences like this? Please share.


My first experience was journey to the lower world where I met my fox spirit guide, where he led me through a thick forest and down a dirt path that led into a large oak tree which brought me to the middle world where I got to explore with my friend and his coyote guide.

However, later I got to the upper world and met the rest of my guides a stag, a raven, a horned white serpent, a black bear, and a grey wolf.

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Did you ask any questions? My guided journey said I should ask questions, help with a problem etc…

Not the first time no, I just followed him where he led me

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More stuff happened since my shamanic journey. I became attracted suddenly by a prasiolite ring I saw online and bought it. This was surprising since I owned one once and had sold it. Now suddenly I felt attracted by prasiolite. I am reading that it can change negative energy into positive and is connected by heart chakra and can make wishes come true… Last night, 2 days after sleeping wearing my prasiolite… I dreamt of the angel Raphael. Looked him up… he is a healer and a shapeshifter… like my rabbit, like my prasiolite…
I feel this is all interconnected.
My purpose in life is to be a healer???
Also I need to heal my heart chakra…

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