First Lucifer evocation and I think he’s giving me signs?

Hello everyone, I’m Du. I just evoked Lucifer for the first time, because I feel like he’s reaching out to me. During the evocation, i just had some goosebumps and eye twitching. After that I just see 111 and 444, mostly 111 everywhere. When i was scrolling on Youtube I saw an animation video “my cat Lucy” about a black cat in a magick circle lol, then when i was look for stuff to read(fanfictions) I keep seeing the word “demon”. I did ask him to manifest something for me, is this his way of saying yes or what? :rofl: thanks for reading this far, i hope you’ll have a great day~

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If you asked for a sign then yes something is confirming the name Lucifer, or your mind is latching onto every little thing that is similar.

I usually recommend using your gut instincts or claircognianze to identify these situations as either signs or your mind over catching what you normally miss.

Basically when it happens, immediately without trying to form a thought what do you think?

Was your gut reaction, omg Lucifer answered me? Or was it gosh that’s weird but idk?

If it was the first, that’s your answer, If it’s the second it’s probably like when you buy a brand new car and wow, everyone else has one but I have the best color! Sure didn’t know there were so many salsa red Chevy sparks around…

Or when you find out your pregnant and it seems like everyone you bump into is also…

These things didn’t actually increase, we just filtered them out as didn’t matter and didn’t take notice of them.

Increasing your overall situational awareness can help, you’re more likely to note a change when it happens.

For example in high school we read a study that stated something like 90% of Americans in grade x couldn’t confidently confirm the color of their home bathroom, and after taking a guess many students found they were wrong about what color their bathroom was.

Most who got it correct had seen the bathroom being painted, had moved residences or had some reason they had noted it.

So pay attention to your surroundings. When you eat out where did you sit? Do you sit where you see the door and who’s coming and going in case of an emergency, or do you sit in the back corner facing the wall?

It may sound silly, but noting the little things constantly will increase your awareness and your minds idea of what is normal and what is a sign will become more clear so that you can identify spiritual signs in life much easier.