Hello Y’all,
I consider it an honor to reveal a first look at our all-new Compendium of Lucifer-Amaymon. It features the world’s FIRST grimoire of Amaymon and makes official contact with the Second Demonic Gatekeeper from Outer Darkness, Lucifer himself.
Lucifer has unmasked Amaymon as his last, darkest, and eldest mask. The Light Bearer unveils his true face as his solar power supercharges human evolution.
Order Compendium of Lucifer right now - Get $100 off and a FREE Flag of Lucifer - first 100 only - LUCIFER-AMAYMON: The Enlightener, Compendium 2 | Nine Demonic Gatekeepers.
It also excites me to unveil a photo of our all-new Flag of Lucifer which comes as a gift with every leather edition copy of Compendium.
This compendium features six sinister grimoires by preeminent Luciferian Magicians:
- E.A. Koetting - Grimoire of Amaymon
- Kurtis Joseph - Alchemy of Halo & Horn
- Edgar Kerval - Alchemy of Lucifer-Amaymon
- Bill Duvendack - Luciferian Amaymon
- Asbjörn Torvol - The Faces of the Condemned
- Frank White - Lucifer, Opener of Paths
Author Statements
Amaymon is perhaps the most obscure of all the Gatekeepers. His name has mutated from the original name invoked by religious cults that first worshipped them. Who was Amaymon before he was Amaymon? If he is another dethroned and demonized god of an overthrown civilization, then what god was he? To receive answers from his very lips, I entered my Temple to begin the ritual of Darkness Communion… — E.A. KOETTING
This work offers examples of harnessing sorcery to obtain human liberation en masse. It is unlike anything else ever written for the Ancient Gods of the craft, as such, it will not be accepted by all. How do we syphon the knowledge of the Dark Arts to manifest in collective consciousness the need to evolve unhindered by external forces? This contribution brings forth a possibility of an answer… — KURTIS JOSEPH
The wisdom gotten through the deep workings with Lucifer-Amaymon begin a process of transmutation, a deep inner-development. Every man and woman might experiment awakening the inner fire, but all of them will have different final results in the spectral light of Lucifer. When we enter his astral temple and learn how to absorb his sacred mysteries, we experience alchemical metamorphosis… — EDGAR KERVAL
More and more people are reclaiming their own personal power after centuries of oppression. Lucifer is almost everywhere in today’s society, ranging from a television show to musicians who brandish his sigil. The Light Bringer is bringing illumination as we move closer to the Age of Aquarius and the Age of Horus. A true harbinger, Lucifer precedes change. In short, Lucifer is everything you ever wanted, and everything you didn’t, for the light that helps growth also burns… — BILL DUVENDACK
In every mythology you find the narrative of a hero who defeats the villain. The villain is portrayed as evil, the hero is presented as righteous. These beings, Lucifer, Satan, Loki, Baphomet, the Devil, and Iblis are all the faces of the condemned. What if I told you these Devils actually represented what’s best for humankind? What if I told you they represented love? Most outside the occult would disagree with me, but together we will discover a new reality… — ASBJORN TORVOL
Lucifer’s sin was to question authority and to refuse to accept a hierarchy maintained, not by virtue and merit, but by violent threats. Today mankind is on the verge of making a new evolutionary step forward. The problems we face as a species are the result of our collective level of consciousness. As we finally awaken our inner world, commune with the spirit world, and maintain a working relationship with inner dimensions, the collective physical experience will reflect that… — FRANK WHITE
Order Compendium of Lucifer right now - Get $100 off and a FREE Flag of Lucifer - first 100 only - LUCIFER-AMAYMON: The Enlightener, Compendium 2 | Nine Demonic Gatekeepers.
Journey with us into the nightside of this Second Demonic Gatekeeper known as Lucifer. Learn how to unmask the Elder Shadow called Amaymon and witness the true face of Lucifer for the first time.