First Kundalini activation and rising- Damn that was crazy

if they have the ability to move on the physical plane of reality they have nothing to complain about. i am constricted to a small room having seizures everyday that erase my memory, and unable to do anything. there is no " making the best of anything " i dont think you understand what having multiple sclerosis and epilepsy really means

Milton erickson was constricted to wheelchair in his home. He had students all over the world come to his home. U work with what you got. U donā€™t know if you can get better enough to be out of that room. Unless you try. U probably need hypnosis to better memory or figure way to reprogram self to not have siezures. There are times there are no seizures. U say you canā€™t do anything. but your doing something online on this site. Thereā€™s also journal for helping memory. U make great excuses.