First hand experiences with Sepheranz

Strangely enough, after all the shit I was going through, Sepheranz started to pop up again. First with a youtube video and now with this. I guess I should try and contact her again.
This YouTube vid btw, you might like it: - YouTube


Yes, incredible. I was taken to this video too. When I watched, I felt his very strong energy pressing on my head. But as my astral senses are weak I can’t do anything to confirm and I’m considered a beginner in LHP, so I’m fear to work with her


Then its probably best you don’t try to make contact with her right now. You should contact her when you believe yourself to be ready. Train yourself first and once you believe yourself to be ready go for it.


Yeah, thanks for the advice, I see spiders appear everywhere. Very strange, she must have had some connection with me in the past life