First evocation jitters

So tomorrow I’m going to evoke Satan, and he will be the first one I have ever evoked. Their is no fear, but because of my upbringing and trauma I don’t like the unknown. If I’ve never done something before I’ll just get cold feet and be really hesitant no matter how much I’m telling myself in my mind to do it. I realized this is one of my biggest flaws, but I will definitely fix that and my guides know it too. I’m just going to really relax and come to him with respect and reverence. Its a bit like the feeling of getting on s roller coaster for the first time. Anyone have any advice? Id really appreciate it. :metal:t2:


I think the best advice I could give would be to write down what you want to say or ask. Maybe rehears it a couple times. That way you’ll be prepared. I find that helps me when I get cold feet about talking to an entity. I just remind myself I’m prepared and I’m being respectful so there’s nothing to worry about.

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Like an excellent ceremony is doing energy work with water and salt, empower your work space, call him and ask Satan to give you a personal sigil, use some wine and cake to center the ritual and then culminating with some sex ritual.

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