Financial Freedom

I already answered his question

I don’t know what exactly Bune is capable of bringing. Many people here have had great success working with her but I have no personal experience myself.

However, my guess is, the people who only got small sums from her had simply asked her to bring them money. They most likely didn’t work with her to help set a bigger plan in motion to bring wealth. Money and wealth are not the same thing. Also they probably didn’t have any pathways to allow for larger amounts. Magick works best through coincidence and the more routes for money you have open, the more that can come to you.

She burned down the magician Rufus Opus’ house, because he asked for $30, 000 and his insurance was the quickest way to bring it. It is helpful to know, though, that Opus is a Christian magician and had evoked Bune in the traditional way of the grimoires, that is, forceful and through threats. All Bune did was live up to his expectations. When he changed his approach, he had great success with her in his business ventures.

If you are homeless, don’t expect her to drop $10, 000 in your lap because you most likely don’t have that capability in the sphere of influence you currently inhabit. The whole key to success in wealth magick is to start small and build up to where you want to be. Magick and demons are simply tools to help you get there. They won’t do it all for you. If you are unemployed, instead of expecting a demon to just drop a large amount of money on you, you enchant to get a job. Then, you enchant for a place to live, and so on.

If you want serious financial help, and not just quick gains, then my advice is to forge a relationship with your preferred demon. Have a set vision of where you want to get to, and work with them in partnership to get there. Don’t expect them to just bring it you.


I understand they wont just bring it. I dont exactly know how these conversations go but I assume you can say please dont harm anyone i love and dont ruin anything. And also say, Im in this situation and need to get out. Here are my ideas or plans, can you work with this and help me. Work out a plan or some sort


Exactly. Go in with a plan and talk it over with the spirits. You will always get more from the spirits if you partner with them in making the changes you desire than if you just say “bring me this.”

Yes, you can add in a “do no harm” caveat. Most magicians do in some form. I usually say, upon dismissing the spirit, something like, “Go now, and fulfill the task I have given you. Go now, bringing no harm to me or mine, and may there always be peace between us.”


thank you, i wasnt sure how to dismiss him so now i know. And if they help you, you are stuck with these demons for life right? Not trying to say stuck in a bad way but you know what i mean. I was told they never go away if you get what you want

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In a way yes but not in the way you mean this passage from the book of azazel sums it up well.

“For the comfort of our sensibilities, we would like to say that, since time does not exist on the spiritual planes, and since the interaction between the demon and the man occurs wholly on that plane regardless of the beliefs of the physical self, that the meeting has already occurred just as it is presently occurring and will continue to occur in the infinite future. Ergo, the moment that you meet with a demon as I myself have met with Azazel and his inferiors that spirit will in that instant have been with you from the
beginning and will endure with you until the end.
This is indeed a door that once opened can never be shut.”

This does not mean however that they will be involved in all aspects of your life at all times though, but it does widen your perspective in new ways. As such once you open that door and wall through it is as if the door disappears behind you. Once you expand your mind to new horizons ya cannot then cram it back into the box of ignorance.


You are never “stuck” with an entity. You most likely have entities around you all the time but unless you call upon them, they won’t usually have any effect upon your life. As @Dinmiatus explained above, whenever you even contemplate calling a certain spirit, they will be with you. If you never call upon them, an aspect of them is still aware of you but, since they are multidimensional, they won’t knock to be let in.

As an example, I have thought about calling certain beings from Kingdoms of Flame. I ultimately decided against doing so, but I recently found out that they are hanging around me.


So, say I call Bune. He comes and then I am done asking what I want. He will always be around me, is kinda what youre saying

About 2 years ago I called upon Lucifuge, things went wrong and i got a cleanse. Does that mean he can stil be around me

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Yes, his essence is still with you, but it isn’t a big deal. Think of it as an energetic perfume.

When you work with magical beings, their energy imprints on that of your own. Cleansing and banishing only get rid of the influence, but it doesn’t get rid of something that has become part of your own energetic signature. Every being you call, imprints on you, regardless if you call them once or a thousand times, and those with the ability can read it on you. That is basically what we do in the Power Scanning thread on this forum.


i have some questions about him, i was going to make a new thread about my experience and ask questions, nothing on here from what i read has what i want to ask, should i do that?

Yes, if you want to focus specifically on Lucifage, it is good to make a separate thread so as not to derail this one.

ok thanks, ill do that this week

Yeah you can use all this stuff… or you can use wealth magick by damon brand. This is literally what you need. It focuses entirely on rituals geared toward long term wealth making by building a career. Whether you want 100k, 1mil, 10mil or 100mil. The last ritual in that book works with clauneck. I’m surprised no one mentioned it. This is literally the magick that can get to what you need right now.


Very potent magick I would recommend to anyone. However you can use those demons to help you choose the right path to wealth or to divine what needs to be done in order to get to where you want. But I highly recommend you get the book wealth magick. And also read the book think and grow rich by Napoleon Hill the first comment is right about that it’s a very potent book of knowledge


Honestly you should get all the books in the gallery of magick. They make magick so simple and it’s extremely powerful. So instead of you making alters and doing all that extra shit you connect to the essence of magick and are able to Call on angels and demons without all the stuff that you read on this forum! I’ve gotten so many results from the books they have. It’s amazing what I’ve been doing


Hello may you tell me as you do to work with Bune or Clauneck? it’s the same when you evoke some spirit? some book that you recommend? Thanks

I work with Duchess Bune regularly. I have her seal and a candle and incense and offering and chant her enn and invite her into my temple. She’s very playful and touchy feely- her energy feels like an electrical current under water. I can tell you she likes whiskey, and baked goods homemade and has a like for chocolate also and the color gold.


What does that mean

If you’re referring to my post, it just means I posted something and then deleted it.

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