Finally... How To Become E.A.'s Magick Apprentice

Finally… How To Become My Magick Apprentice

Apprentice on Patreon • Every day I receive emergency comments and concerns from magicians like you from around the world. It pains me that I cannot provide help when you need it most. Therefore, if you would like to:

:speaking_head: Receive my personal help in Live Chats every month
:movie_camera: Receive ‘Mystery Videos’ of unseen magick footage every month
:hourglass_flowing_sand: Receive my Youtube videos several days early
:tickets: Get 20% off my occult clothes, art, and more
:black_heart: Support a cause that you truly love

Apprentice on Patreon • You’re about to learn secrets of godlike power that most people will never know – with me as your personal mentor. Let me explain.

If you are new to my magick, then you probably know me through my Youtube channel. If you are a long-time magician, then you probably know me through my cult classic grimoires. I have authored books on black magick almost 20 years now.

Over the last couple years, I have become obsessed with filming live demonic rituals and pathworkings of black magick, and I release many of them on my Youtube channel freely. The truth is, a lot of my footage never sees light of day – it either becomes lost, or deleted, or it sits on my hard drives and no one can ever see it. I possess literally thousands of hours of magick on film, and for the first time ever, I will open my vault and reveal this priceless sorcery.

You can pledge to my Patreon account right now to witness this never-before-seen, uncensored footage. Every month you will receive a Mystery Video that contains one or two hours of unprecedented sorcery. It could feature a live ritual, a spellcasting, or a secret interview with a dark witch or magician.

Furthermore, you can pledge to my Patreon account to participate in Live Chats with me, where I will personally answer your urgent comments and concerns in order to ignite your spiritual ascent in real time. Truthfully, when I first became a magician, no one ever provided a close mentorship to me, and I needed to figure it out by myself. These live chats will give you exactly what I never received: immediate help when you need it most.

Lastly, when you pledge, you will receive every one of my Youtube videos a couple days early, which allows you to remain on the exact same page with me, earlier than everyone else.

Support a cause that you truly believe in. If you love magick, if you truly support your ascent and the ascent of humanity, then I welcome you to pledge right now.

To summarize this apprenticeship agreement in full one last time, you’ll receive:

:movie_camera: Mystery video from my hidden vault
:tickets: 20% off coupon on occult clothes, art & more
:speaking_head: Live chats on Youtube
:hourglass_flowing_sand: Early access to new videos
:black_heart: Support a cause you love

If you would become more involved with me in a monthly relationship, receive personalized help to address your emergencies, concerns, and worries related to magick, then become my apprentice now on Patreon right here: Pledge on Patreon

Godlike Power,