Fighting loneliness

I recommend also using occult techniques or mind frames. First I want it to be understood that I use both the right hand path and left hand path, So I am not preaching all love and light. There is utuber called mindandmagick, who recommends focusing on abundance, what your going through is called being in scarcity. Plus its a negative emotion, AKA your feeling lonely. So I would also suggest banishing negative thoughts and feelings of lonliness in the waning. On the waxing I suggest mercury to change your thought forms( visualise sex or love whatever your fantasies are. The moon hour is also fantasies and emotions, it gives your emotions rhythm and stability and can put you in emotional rhythm with those your attracted to and venus is also attraction and social and relationship skills and sweetens relationships. Venus is specifically social life. I suggest trying these and working with spirits of the goetia and for that i suggest going to the love, sex and relationships section


@magusnegris try this maybe?

You can also program a crystal, a clustered quartz works well, to help you find the right people in offline/material life.

And does have any groups shown where you live? Or are there any meditation circles, reiki greoups, things like that? Casual events you can drop into and not be committed to returning or becoming close right away could be a good way to get back in the habit of meeting people.

Also, please check your messages, green icon, top right - you have mail. :+1:




All though Iā€™m not alone anymore, loneliness has been a part of my life for a very long time. Itā€™s not by choice. Itā€™s just how it is.

When I was a kid, Iā€™ve had the strangest dreams. One particular dream has stuck with me, and I still remember it just as clear, when writing this post:

Thereā€™s nothing wrong in being lonely. Itā€™s a fucked up world. A world thatā€™s hard to understand and comprehend. Too many rules, and conflicts that arise, because people are hard to understand.

I feel lonely, but Iā€™m not alone. Thatā€™s the difference.


As always thank you very much @Lady_Eva

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I saw your response on horoscope topics and you said that youā€™re Capricornā€¦just like meā€¦and donā€™t you worryā€¦youā€™re not the only one feeling like thatā€¦when meeting new people i just hate how much time it takes for others to ditch their mask and show their true coloursā€¦i donā€™t mind if someone is a monster deep down just ditch that mask from the start and weā€™ll get along just fine.
So much to give but knowing that people donā€™t have the same heart of gold like me is something which i cannot forget.
Love and loyalty=thatā€™s what i give and ask from everybody else :wink:

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