Feels like belial is calling me (new to magic)


I want to start of to say sorry for my bad english is not my main language

3 days ago i watched (he Human Death of J.S. Garrett How Belial Killed me!). And i feelt super drawn to belial, I’m not sure why but it’s something

After i watched the video i jumped in to my universal circle closing my eyes and start using demonic pacts enn “Alash tad al’ash tal ashtu”. And im new to magic i have not really experience something in my rituals. So after i have 3 min in to the ritual i start see demonic faces and a forest in my area.

So i went there to day and it feelt like the forest was vibrating with energy. So i started to say the demonic pacts enn again. i feel this energy hit me and a branch broke 2 meters behind me. And it freaked me out. So i stopped the ritual and went home.

And as i walked home i told myself i’ll go back there 3am and do full ritul. So when i got home i stared to draw belial’s sigil and a energy hits me and i feel super dizzy. I walked to a mirror and i didn’t even recognize myself and at that point i got so dizzy i allmost past out. Im not sure what it means. Have you guys had a similar experience

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Welcome @Robin_Nilsson It is a rule of this forum for all new members to properly introdcue themselves, so PLEASE CLICK ON THE IMAGE BELOW and tell us about yourself and any experience you may have in magick, such as what you practice, how long you have practised, areas of interest, etc:


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Well that was a test. Actually you should return there and do the ritual till the end. Belial is a very complex God. Sometimes indiferent, sometimes loveble, sometimes protective, sometimes scary, sometimes sexy, sometimes cold and distant… But weakness is really not one of the character treats that someone who summons him should have. So redo the ritual and show strength :wink:


ill but this time im ready


hmm, once i touched his sigil in my box of sigils after having made it to maybe evoke him and some lighting hit really loudly and it scared the fuck out of me so i never did evoke him, honestly probably for the best considering i’m a huge scardey cat that can’t even sleep with the light off

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You know that is very possible that you are a Born Medium and actually necromancy and death magic are ok than for you, right!? :blush:

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Well actually yeah because i started sleeping with the light on because when i was very little ( like 5 or 6) i used to feel and see “spirits” when i was trying to sleep and like they would tap me on the shoulder and i just ignored it until they went away and didn’t come back. Now i know how to get rid of them if they are bad (cleanse) but i’m still scared LOL.


Well Belial is one of my main entities - very down to earth, good teacher, powerful, helpful and nice. I summon him with my black mirror.

But a friend of mine was not that lucky. Belial told him directly to never call him again and even weeks after this he had nightmares :woman_shrugging:t2:

So he can be lovely but if he is pissed off - RUN.

About your experience: If you start it end it. You need to banish him if these things will repeat. And cleanse your home :wink:

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My friend i do not want to banish him. I got touch of his power

And i feel like im un-fucking-stoppable

I wouldn’t say weakness so much, I would more actually say what he hates is the bow down ass kissing worship people think of when they think of deity worship. I thought, I will be a terrible student for any teacher cause I don’t listen or follow directions very well, but for some reason Belial seems to prefer that trait in his students.

Yeah, the Belial forest spirit thing is normal. I was wondering like what was going on seeing all thosse faces in the forest. I thought, am I going crazy or something, but I guess its a thing with Belial, to see faces in the trees. Even if you don’t evoke him outside, you can still see the tree faces and just in general be more in tune with the surrounding nature spirits.

Also, he likes to freak people out, and push people to see what they will take, but he will back off if he is told its too much.

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That’s awesome dude, I plan on working with Belial soon aswell. Keep us updated

Welcome @Wabbajack It is a rule of this forum for all new members to properly introduce themselves, so PLEASE CLICK ON THE IMAGE BELOW and tell us about yourself and any experience you may have in magick, such as what you practice, how long you have practised, areas of interest, etc:


Ritul 1: Belial showed me of one who betrayed me, A friend… No a brother. A man i trusted with everything. A man i helped so much i could when he had cancer, Then he stabbed me in the back and lie with my girlfriend. And this man call him self a christian

Ritul 2: Belial showed me how disgusting god is. It allmost made throw up

Ritul 3: Belial showed me how my life will be a misery. but i will come out as a champion and become a successful man

That sucks about your girlfriend.
Hail to Belial for helping you on your path!
How does your body feel physically when doing Invocations and evocations to Belial?