Feeling Weak After Ritual Work

My energy is too weak. I feel physically ill when I try to do more than I probably should.
I used to be strong but now, it’s not the same. I do a simple ritual and I’m tired/sick.

So basically…question is, how can i get more energy? I can’t be so low on energy it’s ruining my work…
Any advice/tips/ experiences.

Any deities I could work with?


My first question about the drain would be what kind of ritual if you dont mind me asking? Cause if is an after effect of the ritual it could be using you as the source of power which can be very draining depending on what the aim of the ritual was.


I know after performing sex magic I be tired as hell


After extensive ritual workings, I felt more or less the same. Exhausted…
It took me several weeks to get in better shape again. In my opinion, we need some time to adapt to a different level of consciousness. It goes with some physical changes we usually can’t see, what makes us feel weak as well.
More rest and give youself some time, you will get more energy.
My job is also very demanding. I work too much. It won’t ruin your work since it won’t last forever.
It’s not easy, but keep in mind it’s just a phase.

Best wishes!


Ground yourself after rituals and make sure you drink and eat after also. It helps the body refuel the lost spiritual energy you used in the ritual.


My intention was to get used to staying “in-between” 24/7, so grounding wasn’t my option :slight_smile:
Meals included, I can eat only once a day, usually late afternoon, small portions. Food also made me feel more exhausted, but I can’t recommend that to anyone, it’s very individual.
One thing that really works for me is water. I have a glass of water next to me most of the time.
Thank you!


Drinking chamomile tea is really good…

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I was doing a banishing ritual

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It depends on what kind of ritual have you been doing. Banishings are fine, but some rituals don’t go with banishings.

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I was working with the elements.

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IMO, banishings should be done after workings with elements only.

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It could be your body adjusting to the flow of energies from the ritual. The first few months I was using the Lbrp as part of my daily practice regiment i would feel drained for parts of the day. It’s like the after effects of a heavy workout routine your gonna be drained for a bit after.

Depending on how often you banish you may wanna shift a few days off in between to give your body a chance to recover energy.

Grounding meditations or exercises can help with this since it lets you tap into the earths energies naturally to recover. With the right the meditations and intent you can create a type of energy recycle circuit that sends your tired energies into the earth to be cleansed,empowered and then sent back to you in an effort to speed up recovery time.


I’ve been working with fire element for 2 months, but that was just a part of the ritual.

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I worked with Agni mostly today… I asked for his protection. To give me strength.
I felt possessed or something…
Chilling experience.

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I think I know the feeling :slight_smile:

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if you were working on invoking the element than that would be where the drain is. Raising high levels of elemental energy can take alot out of you at the end of the rituals. I’ve had more than one occasion where my muscles would give out and I’d end up collasping on the ground stuck for a while after a energy heavy ritual.


I want to have more energy though :confused:

I haven’t been collapsing, but it was exhausted beyond my wildest expectation. I’m fine now and can function normally.

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In my experience, I feel like I’m about to faint… maybe I’m stronger than you guys :stuck_out_tongue:


See what will come tomorrow. If that’s too much for you, then do some more banishings, groundings and have some rest.

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