Feeling Off

I’ve been feeling off the last few days and today, I feel terribly down. I feel like nothing is going my way and it feels an empty hole in my heart. Anyone have any idea how come I feel this way? I usually don’t feel this way. And anyway, I can fix why I feel this way?


it could be a number of things, have you asked a psychiatrist?

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First off:

We all have bad days and periods of “down in the dumps” time. It’s perfectly natural. So it could just be that you are having spat with life.

Other factors: Are you sleep deprived? Have you been cooped up not getting enough fresh air sunshine and physical activity? Those can cause people to feel down in the dumps. Easy fixes.

If you think you may be experiencing Depression, as in actual clinical depression, please see a doctor first and foremost then go from there.

Things of a Spiritual nature can cause this of course. I suggest cleansing and banishing your dwelling place and then taking a cleansing bath with salt to get the gunk out of your system. That and a good night’s rest and maybe some ice cream should help you out.

And last but not least: Cry, scream, write it in a journal, ect. Whatever you are feeling you need to let it out. I speak from personal experience that repressing negative emotions fucks with your spiritual system hardcore. Let. It. Out. It doesn’t make you weak to be human.


If it gets worse you may want to work with Archangel Raphael. He can aid you in Healing.

Archangel Azrael can help you let go of whatever is hurting you.

Queen Astarte can also comfort you in this time.

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Maybe you have negative energys attached to you, consider doing cleansing ritual .


A recommendation I got from a friend: after you bathe, apply a tiny drop of camphor oil on the top of each foot, the back of each hand, the base of the skull and your third eye; that will balance your energy. It only takes a tiny tiny bit, lest you smell like you’re ill.

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I would look some Cartoons like Pink Panther or maybe some films with Oliver Hardy or some other funny things. Laughing loves magic and magic loves laughing. Very good in such moments is the quick banishing Methode of ieaou the Gnostic Pentagram Ritual by Peter Carrol

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