Feeling drawn to Lilith

So i ended up here because of her and when i was little i ran away from this path and i got sucked by it. Everytime i did, i got suck by it harder and i really feel drawnned to her. There is not a day that i don’t think about her. Sometimes i say her name without thinking about her. If i don’t think about her someone will mention it. I did have a dream about her and i saw her sigil. I want to invoke her but i don’t know how to or can’t do it in my house. I feel like i’ve been with her because i feel like i know her. Anyway i just feel drawn to her, how do i start working with her.


When I very first started a relationship with Her, I hid in the closet in the dark and just talked to Her. I’m in the same boat you are as far as having to do stuff in private. It sucks. But… Lilith knows your situation and She will always here you. Sounds to me like She is calling you back.


@Ilovelilith i do feel like she is always around me. Yes it sucks when i can’t do it in my house because of my parents. I see her as a mother. I do talk to her and i just did. I developed an interest of this path because of Lilith.


Same here. Lilith truly has changed my life. She is amazing


As a first step, I suggest meditation while chanting Her enn which is: Renich Viasa Avage Lillith Lirach
It’s relatively inconspicuous, and requires nothing but you and a sincere desire to bond with Her.


@Ilovelilith she is starting to change mine. I have never invoke a spirit before so i don’t know how would be if i do it.


When I invoked Her the first time, She filled me with this crazy energy and a don’t give a f$&* attitude :joy: I loved it though. I felt like nobody could bring me down and never got tired. It was awesome. I asked Her if She would kindly enter my mind, body and my heart. Lasted about a week.


@Ilovelilith i already feel the i don’t give a f#$%! Altitude. I stopped what people think of me. I have no problem being a villain from someone’s else story. I have felt her before her energy is intense i feel it sometimes when i wake up at 3 A.M. i know that she watches me


She definitely does love and protect Her children.


@PhoenixtheDemon Do you reckon you worked with Lilith in a past life?

I don’t think I’ve had a black magician past life myself, though have had plenty of spiritual ones.

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If you feel drawn to lilith, run to her! She calls all her children by name.


@Ilovelilith i had a feeling you were gonna say about Lilith watching over her children. I do feel like she’s my mother.


She is your mother, brother.


You are absolutely right.

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@Ilovelilith is Lilith connected to spiders because i’ve been seen them a lot.


I am having the same thing! I started being contacted by Lilith 2 weeks ago and they’ve been on me like crazy, had one randomly crawl from my hand to my phone earlier while reading lesser key and it came out of nowhere!

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@Marik i have been seeing them everywhere i go. One almost did get on my hand and i went into youtube and one of the video titles have Lilith’s name on it.


Yes, Lilith has connection to spiders and some of those who work with her reported seeing spiders coming out of no where.


I’ve had random spiders aswell

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I’ve had about 6 instances over this summer with random spiders being on me, or them disappearing into mid air

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