Feeling down

When I’m feeling down there’s a few things that help me: watch my favorite movie/tv show or read my favorite book while eating all the crap I can as if there was no tomorrow, cake, chocolate, pizza, all of that. Music is something that always make me feel better. But not sad music, cause we, mostly of us have these thing of listen sad music when we’re sad. I’m trying change this and listen cheerful music. Like Ghost band or The killers or I don’t know, any music that makes you happy.

To everyone that is feeling down, I know this might not be much, but please don’t give up, on life, on this path. I know how hard and lonely can get it, and how awful is to feel ignored by demons/spirits, but they’re not ignoring none of us, it’s they way to test our will. Also all the crap things the sometimes seems to keep happening. It can be a test of perseverance or can be their way to change our lifes. I know it sounds like bullsh*t but I know, I’ve heard many people’s stories about how their life got pretty much destroyed by demons so later they could rebuild in a better way. So if you lost your job, hold tight that maybe a better one is coming, if you lost that girl, that guy, don’t worry tomorrow maybe you’ll find the love of your life. Just don’t give up. And if things is too hard today, just think like that: “I just have to go through today” in other words live one day at time, cause tomorrow things always gonna seems less worse than today. Tomorrow it will be better! So hang in there. Forget what people say or think about you. You’re awesome! And one day you’ll find happiness and someone that understand and love you for who you are.
And if anyone need someone to talk to, need a friend, I’d like to say that I’m here. I’ll be glad in help in whatever way I can, even if is just listening. :slight_smile:


@IzzyLuna thank you, i wish i could meet like people like you, tbh. It brought a smile in my face when i read all that.

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Well, it brought a smile on my face know that :smile:

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Take it as a relax day n sleep it off play a game write or listen to music im sure we all have our off days


@IzzyLuna well i’m glad i made someone smile.

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Hey, we all can get to that point for one time or another. Coming out of a hard period myself. Go out for a run, do something fun and get your mind off of things for a bit. As much as it may seem counterproductive but some times doing some sort of activity helps get out of the funk, as well as give you time to come up with solutions without the pressing sadness. While life can be lonely, you always have members of the community here you can talk to. It will be okay

Very well said I’ll also add to this that taking your life should never ever be an option ! Yes I’m pissed off and extremely low right now , nothing is worth your life , I’m older than most of you here and know that maybe things will or not improve but one person who has always been with me is myself and I would never let that person down ! Everyone else can go to hell :wink: so have a pizza , cigarette, beer ! Be angry throw and break things but don’t harm yourself :blush:

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Would day come if it wasnt for the night?
Just keep going.

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Yin and yang. there are ups and down. some enjoy life early yrs and suffer later yrs. Some hardships early and bless later yrs. Flow iwth life. Do tai chi. Get out of the head and be present in body. If you need someone to talk to. Then talk away. TO yourself or to stuff animal. I talk to my eeyore friend. He’s cute… smart and laid back. He don’t sweat troubles. he’s a real friend to all, like me. Even though he seems gloomy. he’s really not. He’s realistic. You can even create your own imaginary friend . They are magickal beings that can empower you.

I got a second dui for trying to drive someone home while intoxicated from marijuana. My bac was as low as 5%

I can’t legally drive to the gym anymore. Only to work and back.

By the end of this year, the sherrif’s department will decide whether I will wear an ankle lock or spend 22 days in jail.


Thanks man

Trust me man i have had enough with relationships ruined my life, ill pm you
Wish i had friends like you in real life

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We gotta let the storm pass man
:beer: im going for a drink too cheers

i strongly suggest you call Gremory, she’s soooooooooooo good with any kind of depression or mental stuff, but she’s known most lot for money and love . She’s freaking amazing . Try her out guys .

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At this point. we should use gremory for MONEY!! we can use money to enjoy things helping us be more happy than sad. lol



@anon37593562 i can sure use it to move to a another place to start my life over again.

you can start your live over anytime. It’s state of mind. Just clear all your past and start anew.


Exactly. We all have to remember that. I’m the only person that had been and will be by my side, forever, to everything, always. That’s why we have to love ouselves before anything else. And do everything that we can to keep ourselves mental, emotional and physical health.

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As a human I suffer from depression…i see a shrink…they give me medication I obviously need because it helps immensly…

As an empath/psychic Vampire I learned to put shields up to block passive feeding because with the energy you drain from people you get thier emotions too and they can be hard if not impossible to distinguish from your own.

A witch I light incense and candles, use oils, talismans and charms, I cleanse my house of negative or unwanted energies and erect and seals or shields that I may require.

As a Palera I call on my spirits to give the strength to overcome the obstacles in my life and the courage to make the changes necessary to improve my life.

The spirits keep telling me…if you are not happy with your life then take action to change it until you are.

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