Feeler Thread for May MFWB

Guess who’s back and ready to do another Magical friends with benefits. This is just the feeler post. I will be taking names until April 12th and then moving it into DM for all of the details.

For a group with a group like this. It does not matter your level of experience. It just requires commitment to every day during the span of the group working.


Been waiting for the announcement
Let me know when you will start with taking the names

So whats this about then? I wasnt here for the first one.

So what happens if each person picks a request. And then the group of people will do a Working a day. So that we all focus our energies and magic to a Common goal, but it’s a commitment of doing it from start to finish. It usually takes about a month.

Hi @Angelb1083 … nice to see you back in action … i am interested … u can include me …