I know in my shamanic practices before a cermony or ritual i would fast and cleans myself. I did it also before my first invocation. But are they really necessary?
I’d like your point of view on this subject? Any and all feedback is appericated…
Necessary? No, not really. Useful? Yes. Very much so in my opinion. At least for fasting.
Fasting and cleansing is great. After 16 hours some of your hormones like the growth hormone will boost to 2000%. You basically get high from hormonal boost due to the fact that your body believes it is starving and the shock it experiences. Fasting is also great for your energy governance. Instead of using your energy for digestion and other metabolic processes your energy will be directed for cell regeneration and conscious awareness. You will feel more awake and energized.
I think it can be more or less important depending on several variables: what your normal diet is like, how light or heavy you generally feel in your body, the being you are working with, the nature of the ritual and so on. I like to do a predominately or completely liquid diet around the time of the eclipses. Sometimes, if I am working with a specific being that likes certain foods, I will exclusively eat and drink the same substances I am offering them for a few days.