Fast foward the judment

If a country has a very weak and slow judgment process of property being thefted by tenant. Where judjes just continouly takes leaves, leaving people with no justice. What would you suggest against this instance? When again judge was today at leave and again very late date was announced and how that goon tenant lughed off after seeing tears that my mother sheded, I am unable to control by rebelious spite against this injustice, i wantedright at that time to kill that goon but somehow maintained my composure.

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You are from the Hindu religion your name and profile look like, if yes then call KALI and ask for help, for her strength.
She is more than capable of helping you out very easily in this painful situation.
Don’t look outward for help seek help from inward and if you have faith in KALI, then she is all and enough for you.


Corwin Hargrove, Practical Djinn Magick: Ritual financial persuasion.