
Yay! I have seen fairies in my garden through my astrally sight! He’s boy (but there’s more with him) and always waves at me through the kitchen window. I’ve always believed in them as a child and always drawed them. Funny because it feels as though I knew them what they looked like and how they lived their lives all along. Then one day I was sitting on the sofa during the evening. I noticed a tiny orb (it looked like a firefly) and steadily the fairy flew midway in the air of my living room then it disappeared. :disappointed: Today I heard high-pitched babbling (it also called out my name and asking me to play with them, it sounded kind of unauditable) as I was watching a video on YouTube on full volume. It sounded babyish and then it vanished when I paused the video I was watching, never hearing it again. :tired_face:
I feel excited and childish when think of them. I think I should give them some offerings. I’ve thought about giving them cinnamon sugar served on a seashell? :laughing:


Not sure, depends on what kind they are :slight_smile:
They seem very friendly so probably not brownies, maybe Pixie?
This guy on YouTube talks a lot about the Fae maybe you can find out that way or this article.


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It’s at this point I’m off to drink gin

just gin

and maybe absinth

with gin


enjoy your encounter with “the green fairy” :yum:


They like simple offerings of milk and sweet home bakes.

Also; try looking at the following resources; I’ve found them helpful.



You can use white noise and audio recorder if you wish to hear them, an alternative to white noise is a free android app called spiritvox, it can make the recorded audio more clear


Right? I guess the Irish perspective on fairies is different from the mainstream. I just could not be okay with something like a pookah hanging out in my garden,lol.

Gin and absinthe…sounds fun.


I hear ya, I wouldn’t want them coming and going as they please, got to be careful.

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hey that’s not nice correct term is homosexual or LGBT don’t call them fairies… lol… serious note I’ve heard of goblins and gnomes being spotted in gardens and breaking into houses causes trouble

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ever seen labyrinth the David bowie movie… shows what know about fairies lol… I’ve heard they are actually evil spirits…


Yep. Go to Ireland and ask about fairies. They do not care for them. Some are terrified of them. They are reputed to steal children, and some classes like the pookah are akin to demons in other cultures. Nothing happy about them. But, that is a regional thing, too.


these critters gnomes fairies etc garden variety are trouble makers and cause mischief…

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ever seen hell boy 2 golden army in that movie fairies eat people and love to munch on teeth bone marrow

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The Cornish have a different perspective. The piskies are fun and mischievious, the knockers can help miners and lead them to seems of metal if the miners are respectful to them, the spriggans are the most fearsome and guard sacred sites and their treasures; and then there are the mer folk who have fondness for romantic entanglements with beautiful young people.


Isn’t this where the reputation of Gnomes comes from? Asking.


Aren’t gnomes elementals (as defined by Paracelsus) as opposed to fairies? The two classes of being are independent of each other.


Depends on regions I’d say. Fairies are their own creature and so are gnomes but they’re all considered Fae.


From my cultural background (Slavic folklore) we keep fairies/sylphs separated from undines and even gnomes (not sure about salamanders because still haven’t heard about them in Slavic folklore or under salamander classification)


As I know if you hear them, They may invite you dancing and you would lose the track of time etc

In general, apart from tales, they have something common with Venus I think and they are the protector of nature, if I am not wrong. And they are very beautiful and but if you see their natural style and like them as they are, it’s something that they like.

In the past there were some fake photos depicting fey but just done according to tales I guess, did you ever saw any of them ?


And in my country we call them Nymphs they were and still are very sacred and plenty of them raised Gods.

There are
Celestial Nymphs (such as Hesperides and Pleiades)
Land Nymphs
Water Nymphs
Wood and Plant Nymps
Underworld Nymphs.