Failed evocation of azazel attempt

Then you already know how to get into a trance state.

I have never heard of that. It’s never happened to me and I evoke regularly. You do not need a deep trance state to do magick. Theta is nice and all, but all you really need is Alpha.


Yeah ^ what he said

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This is exactly where I’m at right now. . Thank you for the post it will definitely help me learn :slight_smile:

It’s not a failure
Azazel comee to you
But you cannot see hear or feel! But he comes

Evocation is arts and science, you must practice everyday to be an adept!

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how do i get into alpha? have you ever evoked spirits without theta gamma sync?

Yes, many times. I don’t think I’ve ever gone as deep as the sync. You don’t need to, unless you are going for a full physical manifestation of a spirit, and I mainly do astral evocations.

Alpha is very simple to get into:

Well yea but isn’t alpha a state of trance? I can’t get into trance because I have a spirit blockage.

If you keep saying it you make the Spirit and the block stronger.
You need to just keep trying and work the banishings suggested too.
Just relaxing and clearing your head works fine to do these banishings. Don’t over complicate it or you’ll never get free.
You need to also tell yourself it will work instead of it won’t. It may not solve the problem on the first try but you’ll feel a difference as long as you keep an open mind.

These parasitic entities are not strong, they use manipulation to use your own energy against you. It has been telling you over and over you can’t do it and your mind is making it happen.

So, reading this thread, you actually got to the point of the sigil flashing but I think you have doubted that because it wasn’t spectacular enough or something. Which is understandable but you need to drop that kind of thinking, it’s Hollyweird misleading imagery and it’ll just hold you back.

read this:

Sorry, but I doubt that very much. Alpha trance is a natural state every human moves in and out of every day. If you have ever “zoned out” watching television, or because of boredom in school, then you have been in Alpha. All the Alpha state is, is a state of deep relaxation.


Its not trance?

Is it ok to blink while gazing at the sigil?

Alpha is a very light trance, so light most people don’t even notice it.

I think you are making a big deal over very little. Trance is easy; your brain can do it on its own naturally, and there is no way a “spirit blockage” can prevent it.

And to answer your question, yes, you can blink. You’re gazing, not staring.


Firstly, you’re giving your power away by listening to the hostile spirit and believing anything it says. You must find a way to get off the topic of this spirit bothering you, and you must ignore it. Thinking and speaking about it keeps it near you. If you’ve managed to banish it, it’s imperative you do not think or speak about it otherwise it’ll come back. I speak from a ton of hard experience about this topic. :wink:

Banishing before ritual is always a wise idea. I use the exorcism from Kingdoms of Flame and it works for me.

Thirdly, to be able to discern between an imposter and the real deal, just ask for the spirit’s astral signature after commanding it to come forth. That way you’ll know for sure. It’ll appear in your mind’s eye.

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