Facebook a parasite? Maybe

i created facebook id in dec 2007 and deleted my facebook account permanenetly in 2015.
i knew tht time its an addiction


Depending on how you use it, it could be a good addiction

It depends on what you use it for! I have learnt a lot from the occult groups on fb love sharing experiences, book recommendations etc… also I sell stuff there with no seller fee , i also learnt about diets, cat breeds, holiday spots a lot from fb !


This, exactly this. I don’t need to be so ‘connected’ to my family and friends that I know where and what they’re doing every minute of the day because it ‘disconnects’ me from them to where I don’t make phone calls and interact in a more personable way.


I find Facebook as a parasite. Once it was ok but now I find as a female you attract the wrong kind of people. Some view it as a dating site or a means to find someone to get you out of their country, Even when your profile says you are married. It has also gotten to the point I cringe when I open a message. One can only get so many pictures of the male anatomy. :nauseated_face:


To be fair they did release a dating site aspect to it not too long ago lol

Been almost 2 years i quit social media ( facebook , instagram )
Never Ever have i felt this GOOD !!
Self esteem boosted , more time to read or do productive things etc

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I would say Facebook is worse than a parasite, I would say it is a predator. At least it poops out very good PHP code.

I feel like in general any social network can be considered a parasite depending of the use you give to them.

There’s people who use them for business reasons and others for keeping contact with some friends or relatives.

But them also lead to overexposure and that can lead to some kind of addiction to show ourselves and being obsessed with other people lives. That could lead to eventually using all your energy to see what others do and to showing your life, which could turn that networks into “parasites” that drain you in some way, but it’s not exactly as those are parasites itself, it’s more about the use we give to them.

Personally i choose to delete all my personal social networks by the beginning of 2020 (i only keep my art accounts), and somehow it lowered my interaction with people but on the other side, the interactions i kept have a better quality because are not based on people lives, only in the desire to interact, sharing interest and helping each other :slight_smile: