If I am attempting to Invoke a Spirit, Would Visualizing MYSELF as the ENTITY help?..Possibly?
By invoke do you mean call them into you? Because if so it would probably help to picture them coming into you and yourself taking on qualities that reflect them to you.
If you are meaning visualizing yourself transforming into them, it certainly could help.
Yes I mean calling them in
So if I were about to do a curse, would it be good to Invoke Pazuzu before doing the curse?..Can’t having them in you Strengthen the ritual?
Yes. When you fully invoke, you essentially become the spirit so any magick you then perform, you are doing it as that spirit.
Research the Golden Dawn’s Assumption of Godforms technique.
Oh Thank You!
How did I do on the Sigil of Pazuzu?
“Natz Fehr Ata Infernum Negra” Awaken The Black Flame
“Itz Racha Mantantu Vespacha Kaltamu, Itz Ranta Mant Kala Mant Atzu Belt Tazu Vaskalla Itz Rachi Kantantu Velchatza” Summons All Magickal Powers
“Ka’hak El Vantana Sument Ratana Nun’ ala Sa’at Itz Mel Kala” Summons/Opens The Powers of Darkness
“Zazas Zazas Nasatanadas” Opens The Gates Of Hell
“Torvyll-Ziehtorryn” V.K Jehannum’s Channeled Chant To Create Qliphothic Sacred Space/Presence The Area With Qliphothic Energy.
“Votha Ba Zyll Yinnar” V.K Jehannum’s Channeled Chant To Create Sacred Spaces By Presencing The Area With The Energy Of The Sumerian Underworld
“Gnosis De Solis Atricolor Peto-Et Obtestor Alogos”
V.K Jehannum’s Channeled Chant. Strengthens Any Rite
“Arcesso She-Ein Bo Mashavah Megist Pyros De Phosophorsophia” V.K Jehannum’s Channeled Chant. Strengthens The Rite, Strengthens The Sacred Space, Strengthens Any Summonings.
“Semiturnus Drakosophia Admirabilis” V.K Jehannum’s Channeled Chant. Strange All Magick And All Invocation, and Helps You Get Possessed By Whatever You Want To Channel.
“Zeres Svandzy Zar Kamah’ I Linah” Opens You To Sexual Or Energetic Possession
I Have Taken The Magickal Chants Word For Word, Respectfully From Our Dear/Fellow/Honorable And Skilled Magickian V.K Jehannum
I’m going to use all of the chants/conjurations that I posted above…but in what order should I use them?
What is your aim with these chants?
He’s looking for shortcuts.
@DarkestKnight No I’m not
I want to use them to Strengthen my meditations, as well as strengthen myself as a magician…and I’ll definitely use them in my trance meditations as well as the angelic one DarkestKnight gave me
I don’t believe in short cuts in Magick, if you ask me there’s no such thing as a short cut in Magick, I just want to meditate while expirementing with these chants, I DO NOT, and I mean DO NOT expect any Magickal effect with these chants, they’re only chants, I’m only going to expirement to see which ones are more stimulating in meditation
A few of those don’t affect you directly, just the space around you
Ah Yes…The Sacred Space Ones
Where do you find the enochian language, translator anywhere or anything?