Experiments with the mantras of age?

So guys, did any of you try the mantras of the age? This might be excellent for Chaos magick. What if you say the mantra of the 20 years old, will this make one hotter, sexy and fun?

ING infant age
AIMA - 25 years old
KIRIM - 45
HIRIM - 55
SHIAM - 60
ING at 70 the cycle starts again

Another question rises what happens if you use the SHIAMA mantra, will one get to be more expirienced, concentrated, be respected?

Chao ad ordo!

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Never used these before as I’m very new to Chaos Magick.

I’ve heard of chaos mantras though

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Sounds like something I’d like to experiment with. Although I’m not very good at keeping a schedule and my understanding of mantras is they must be repeated a certain amount of time to be effective :thinking: .

I have had success simply by assuming I’m ~22. But I suppose it depends on how easily one’s mind accepts such a belief/assumption. I’m 30 in a few weeks and I still get regularly asked for ID (legal drinking/smoking age where I live is 18), and I have never gotten anything but surprised reactions when I tell people how old I actually am. :woman_shrugging: Chalk it up to either my immature sense of humour, or my most secret magical weapon: wearing sunscreen every day since I was 17 :smiley:

Either way… It’d be interesting to see whether the older-years mantras bring both physical effects as well as psychological ones :thinking: not sure if I’d willingly accept more wisdom for the price of constant joint pain.

Another potential use – you could associate each mantra with that age milestone in life, and a specific outcome – e.g. using the “KIRING” mantra and associating it with abundance financial freedom, early retirement, whatever goes along with that; and use it to align yourself better with long-term goals, and bring those goals closer to your own current reality with the associated mantra.


maybe if you attach somebody else’s name to the mantra, the energy gets sent to them instead of you. :thinking: Test it on somebody you don’t like and see if they change to 65 🥸

These mantras are from Transcendental Meditation, or also referred to as TM.