Experimental divination system

Okay. I have made a divination system for myself using the Elder Futhark runes. 7 dice are required, 5 runes one each die (except for the last one it will only have 4), at least one side will be blank on each die, if you roll a blank side it means that you can no longer use that dice for your question, you then keep rolling until you have one die with one rune, when you have one die with a rune that rune on the die is your answer. (I.E. How will my day be today? Dice roll: Eihwas- Y, Yew, Transformation, Turning point. Answer: Something very important that will change you will happen today, be aware.)

If you see any problems with this experiment or want to add or tweak something feel free to change it. If you use it tell me how it works for you. I hope that it helps you all understand. Have a wonderful day.


That’s inventive. Is there a reason why you chose 7 dices? Have you grouped the runes together on a basis of a planetary connection or relation to each other?

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I have chose seven dice because it is the amount of dice that allow for the closest number of runes on each. I haven’t grouped the runes in any way as of yet. I may group them according to meaning or something. I may just leave them in the order they are in. It allows for a more “random” answer.


I see that you used Anglo-Saxon futhark runes. You can think about classical elder futhark- it contains 24 runes so you can use 4 dices with 6 runes each, or 3 dices with 8 runes- which would be better i think because you can have complete aett- the group of 8 runes on one die.

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Thank you. I will look into that. I have just bought 10 dic that each have 6 sides.

Would this be appropriate?


Good :+1:

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I think I will have two sets. I have enough dice. I will have one with the original runes and another with the Anglo-Saxon runes. That way I can have two rune readings if needed.

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Hiya OP! Experimental divination systems rock, they’re some of the most rewarding and fun magical tools to create. IME to better optimize results and tighten the spreads of outcome accuracy, a created or purchased servitor can be used as a kind of engine you can tap into to change how the system works. Great job! :slight_smile:


Thank you so much.

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I have just completed the first set.

I will try to make better versions in the near future, but this is the best I can do as of now.

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