Experiment Report : Sugar Loading Prior To Major Work

The other day I ate almost virtually nothing except for alot of water which I was sweating it out in profuse amounts. Made me feel like crap, and this is comparable to other days. I never eat fruit because it just doesnt appeal to me…except for raspberries, blueberries and strawberries (the good stuff in my mind). So I ate a Pear and never thought a Pear cohld taste so good in my life…the banana I ate felt OK…but the Pear I felt like essential nutrients were being sucked up by my muscles and skin…and this put alot of Pep in my step to accomplish alot of physical work. By the end of the day I was ravenous, so settled for Shanghai Meal from the stores deli.

Further to this: from another thread.

The human body seems to run in different mode:

  1. carb-heavy (starches, complex carbs, cereals, veg, fruit, pulses etc), burning sugars and feeling the pain after about 4 - 5 hours with no food;

  2. ketogenic, running a fat-burning metabolism not dependent on extenal sources of carbohydrate;

  3. metabolically flexible (pro-fat burning), where the body burns recently-consumed carbs, but can switch to burning fat without discomfort when a “snack” of starch or sugar isn’t forthcoming within 3 - 8 hours.

Based on my research and personal experience trying all 3, the highest levels of “reward” will be felt when carb-depleted under #1 and finally given sugary food.

Although I have no immediate plans to experiment with this, it’s possible someone who is running #1 or can temporarily adopt it, may be able to create that “novelty high” or similar deep feelings of satisfaction by rewarding, after a fast of 6 - 8 hours when carb-hungry, with sugar.

If you’re metabolically flexible, it may not work (ditto if you’re perpetually off your face on drugs, or other brain-chemistry manipulators) but it came up for us as an idea, so sharing in case anyone wants to try it. :slight_smile:

(Stay safe, ask your doctor, don’t take nutritional or medical advice from weirdoes on the internet who talk to demons, etc.)

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(The only reason I’m not hesitant about bumping this is cause it’s quality content. Everybody gonna have to throw stones at me for bumping old posts. I do not fear death.)

That cupcake in the first post is what I’d imagine my sleep paralysis demon would look like if I had one.

Me over here as the queen of the carb-heavy zone:

I followed your advice, but instead of getting straight up coconut oil, I went with a tablet that I could get from the Vitamin store because I’m #basic. Also wound up finding out about that Vitamin D level issue is #truth. All this to say, I’m definitely interested in seeing what this coconut oil thing is about and how it could improve cognition. You have also inspired me to try Keto again. :sunglasses::point_right:t2::point_right:t2:

Anything to try and get that brain working in overdrive.


I also wanted carbs. I had a burger tonight from a local restaurant and could really taste the sugar in the bun more than normal. I would like to see what it does for need of sleep to prove my hypothesis that magick work takes energy from one’s root chakra and one needs to replenish it afterwards


I am glad to read this. It is in accordance to my own observation about Ha Prayer. Operator need to collect heavu reservoir of mana in that and basic source is generating energy trough deep/extensive breathing (depend on the scale of working and ability in keeping concentration it can last few minutes to few hours) which launch burning carbs in muscles. Some sort of excersises are also incorporated by some.

I noticed it was easier for me to go through the process when I ate chocolate bar 15 minutes before I started. Enough of carbs yet not heavy for stomach. When I tried this dusring fasting or before a first meal it happened I felt headache after or tiredness.

As you surely know extensive and prolonged breathing affects neural system and hosmones and lead to lowering a stress hormones so our bodies do not turn extra sugar into fat so in resonable dosage it shouldn’t have negative effects on the body.


i thank you for this now “ancient” post in the pre-historic era of year 2016 after the birth of the false prophet :smiley:

I wanna add my two cents (which nobody asked for :thinking: but i give them anyway :smiling_imp: )

From my experience, and i know this sounds crazy…
but words -specially: channeled words (not words you constructed yourself) but channeled shit/whispers, that my old coven would have considered “explosive magic” and with some necrotic tendencies… well that shit actually might keep you from getting fat.

why do i say this? because i gained weight when not doing magic, and stood average not-worth-mentioning levels “flat-chubbyness” or went even worryingly lean, when i ate sweet stuff.

The masks at that time, loved that shit too.
~i didnt like offering wine too much ,as i feel liek that makes me numb and stupid. (… i mean MORE than usual :roll_eyes: )
and offering half- to a whole pound of cookies each day HELPED me with my shit.

idk -maybe other people have noticed that themselves (i still have not skipped over the posts so i have only read the first by super amazing milf-sorceress Eva)

anyway :slight_smile:
thanks for reading this utter crap,
and thanks to the weirdly, disturbingly consistend and dedicated freaking mod … (i mean seirously, what is wrong with her?? :flushed: )

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well YEAH
~often when i go into the store, the spirits harrass me like little children to buy them cookies :flushed:


here something i noticed:
-i NEVER offer sweets on a plate or soemthing,
i always, ALWAYS call them into me, and have them experience the food through me (hence why some bullied me for eating like a peasent so often)

-my psychic senses ALWAYS improve when eating sweet stuff.

:pleading_face: (smooth brain feels offended)

:smiley: at least that we share <3

!?: bahaim ho shalash
= “sweet victory be with everyone (on our side)”
me: :I …so much for random spirits giving me random shit… siiigh
(sorry, once i open myself i jsut cant stop channeling random phrases)

thats brutal :smiling_imp:
( a spirit pointed me to that song, i never heard it before… :flushed: wtf)

shit…old threads are quite metal :thinking: