Experiences with Bune

Thank you. I did as you said with the sigil (eyes are still kind of blurry) and i achieved the sigil flash! So happy that I was able to. Focused on what I wanted and then asked Bune for help. Hopefully I did okay.

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How are things going?

I’ve not had any response yet. Not sure what I did wrong exactly. I can slip into the Theta Gamma sync pretty easily, and I did as the instructions said. Still unsure as to what I didn’t do. Am I supposed to chant Bune’s enn while I’m focusing on her sigil?

You’ve got to find out what works good for the both of you. The things I’ve mentioned work great for me. I don’t always go about it the same exact way either. Once you get a relationship built up between the two of you things will become easier over time.

Think of it like this … if you and i were to become good friends there would be likely several ways we would use to “get in touch”… ocassionally we might text, other times a phone call is much more in line, sometimes a quick email or social media message might do. Well with spirits that you have an established relationship with at times all you’ll need to do is think of thier name or what it feels like when they are in your presence and within moments they will be there. Each spirit just like us has a different kind of feel and energy to them.

It terms of getting your requests answered it varies in the time. I’ve had lots of success happen real quickly and other times I had to really be patient to the last minute. The good thing is though is that because I have never given up, an answer always arrives in some form or another, sometimes the spirit wants to give you something better than what you’ve originally hoped for and it’s literally just around the corner from happening for you. I can’t tell you how many times i had no idea how I would get through a situation or pay for rent or something seeming really urgent at the time… AND somehow and in someway things would almost miraculously change for the better often in ways I could have never imagined. So moral of the story is don’t give up and don’t limit the ability of the spirit in whatever way it can bring about the positive change. I hope this helps. By the way, last year at this time, i suffered a major heart attack and was in hospital for over a week and out of work and money and a place to live (homeless for most of last summer). I made a decision that with the help of magick and reliance on my divinity, I was taking back my life and power this year and not looking back. It’s been an eye opening journey, but above all, if you really give it your all in magick you will get results!


So I just build a relationship with Bune through what I’ve been doing, and keep myself open to Bunes blessings?

I’m glad to hear things worked out for you. I’m in a pretty rough situation myself at the moment which is why I need Bune’s help.

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Yeah that’ sounds good. One of the greatest secrets of magick is… your ready for this… building relationships up with spirits and powers through evocation, invocation and possession.

It will really help you a lot also once you attain a few small victories upon which to build on larger attainments. Then you’ll have the confidence required to bring about seeming miracles. Because you’ll be like “wow! this really works!” and simply because of that, it paves the way for bigger and better things ahead. It’s the gratitude that plays a role in that frame of mind also.

My main reason for not giving up so easy and for being much more positive isn’t because it’s good advice from a book or a guru or even a guide. It is because being through rock bottom so to speak and having been through so much nonsense in the past and successfully getting through it … it’s the confidence that comes about from those experiences … so that in the future if an issue presents itself i quickly deal with it, knowing that in the past I’ve been successful and have no doubt about the keys to my powers working over and over again.

Hope this all helps. Keep in touch with me. I’ll work with you to see you through the need you’re looking to take care of.

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It absolutely does help, thank you.

We requested some help and attained a few victories. We won a small amount of money in the lotto, and someone paid us back a debt that we didn’t even remember.

We are open for her blessings, and very much appreciate her help.

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Magickman 2018, brother how can I connect with you better on Facebook

Which offerings does bune like, Some friend told me that bune kills including beloved one’s in order to give riches

That is false. Duchess Bune would not do that.

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One of Bune’s offices is necromancy, and your friend might have thought that necromancy means causing death to bring wealth. However, it has always been traditional to petition underworld deities for riches because, in ancient times, wealth came from the ground, in the form of precious metals and gems. Gods such as Hades, were also associated with wealth as well as necromancy and curses.