Experiences with Botis? (Ars Goetia #17)

I’ve recently gotten to notice the talents of Botis as a spirit and her character is rather surprising. She’s very articulate and can stabilize the emotions quite well. There is also aptitude in multiple types of social favor and creativity for financial solutions. She is said to “reconcile friends & foes, and tell things in past, present, & future”. But her power is much more expansive than most would initially think.

I was wondering if anyone here has closely worked with Botis on practical affairs in life.
Would love to hear. :fire:


Sounds like crickets on this forum about Botis, too. Guess I gotta do it myself. (once again) :man_shrugging:

During my activation with Botis I could feel slight energy in my solar plexus. It wasn’t anything special.

Keep posting and asking. Your laying the groundwork for people in the future.

I found this Botis Experience

Fair enough man. You do you.