Experiences with Amy

Hello, I was wondering if anyone here has experiences to share regarding Amy.

I have a terrible insurance adjuster at the moment who is literally giving me anxiety attacks as I’ve had to deal with this person since November and it is at the point they are discriminating against me and my claim.

I called out to Amy to see if he would remove the adjuster off my claim and put someone else in charge. This is my first time ever calling out to Amy.

If this works out there are some people who definitely aren’t making my life easier that I wouldn’t mind being out of my life too.

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I once did a ritual by combination of Yeyilel and Amy for writing my university essay and they work perfectly and I could sense that the task became easier for me!


I have had experience working with various spirits, including Amy. Amy is a powerful spirit, known for his knowledge in astrology, liberal sciences, and for locating hidden treasures. While he is not directly associated with resolving issues with insurance adjusters or interpersonal conflicts, it’s not impossible for him to provide assistance in such situations.

In my experience, it’s essential to approach any spirit, including Amy, with respect, clear intent, and an open mind. Be specific about what you want and why you need their help. It’s important to remember that results may not always manifest in the way you expect or on the timeline you desire. When working with any spirit, it’s crucial to be patient and maintain a sense of gratitude for their assistance.

If you’ve already reached out to Amy, you may want to give it some time to see if any changes occur in your situation. However, I would also recommend exploring other avenues to resolve the issue with the insurance adjuster, such as escalating the matter within the insurance company, seeking legal advice, or engaging in mediation.

Remember that working with spirits like Amy can be a powerful experience, but it’s also essential to take practical steps to address your problems in the physical realm. Be open to their guidance, but also be proactive in seeking solutions through other means.


I’ve gone through two insurance advocates and escalated everything with the CEO even because I got stuck with this clod who is lying about doing his job right to my face on the phone and at the computer. Then he twists the facts every time he speaks with me. I have a file and dated phone calls of what he said and where he lies and twists the situation. It’s like he keeps doing this on purpose so the insurance company cuts my claim, which it almost did a few times. I got a few other people authorized to talk with him and he changes the facts on them too. He’s lied about who his manager is, about my policy, who he’s made phone calls to (none unless it was all in his head and he believes it is real). I feel like he’s bunching me in with people who do stuff on purpose to try and get stuff out of the insurance company, but my situation is legit and all the people who know about it can back me up and they are willing to speak to this guy on my behalf too. But he’ll just twist what they say or never take their phone calls, then lie about trying to call them.

I admit I never called Belial and he came to me around month 3. I also reached out to Mammon before Belial came. Belial did help push the claim further but I’m still stuck with the adjuster of doom. Which is why I think if he’s out of the picture it might be better, if I spoke to any other adjuster they were able to actually help me and were polite.

There was an instance last year where FedEx backed up in to the house roof (crunched a bit of it) and it was caught on camera lol but the insurance company then made calls out for what needed to be done and the issue resolved in two months. I told the adjuster that and asked why there is no proactivity on his end.

I’ve been as patient as I possibly can be this whole time but I sure am being tested! Maybe it is a test of resilience to stand up to corporate evil or something.

I would also recommend King Paimon and Papa Legba with Belial. They make a great team.


This situation keeps getting out of control. Every time I speak up against the discrimination the company keeps changing what they’ll help me with behind my back.

I’m having one of those USAA horror experiences similar to the real bad stuff posted on You Tube and social media.

I’m not sure what to do at this point, and I don’t know if the situation is lawyer worthy at this point either.

I have been working with demons but I don’t really know much spellwork. Any spell suggestions? Every time I say anything the company turns it around on me to say I’m not eligible for stuff anymore at random, even with the CEO watching.

Belial is good, but for this guy I might get personal and put a binding or freezer spell on him to stop him acting against you, or some kind of hotfoot to get rid of him, as he’s clearly in your way. I have no problem using a death curse for this as in “make him not exist in my world” rather than actually kill him, but bindings work well for me so I tend to try those first.

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Thanks for the advice I appreciate it! What is the best thread here that teaches how to do these spells properly :slight_smile: I’m still a novice!

A support popular one although it hasn’t been aired in a while is “Vovin’s Freezer Spell”: :slight_smile:

This is “low” magic, meaning witchery, rather than high magick which is ceremonial.

My own method is to use poppets. I make a simple effigy of the person, name it as the person and it becomes the person. I use string or tissues, you can even make a paper cutout or didn’t need to be fancy. What happens to the doll happens to the person.

So next I take red thread, and with intention wind it around the poppet, talking to it, telling it firmly “you are bound! You may not speak against me, you will not work against me, i bind you to my will, I bind your mouth, I bind your heart, I bind your arms, your legs, you may not move against me…” and go on like that as you wind the thread until you feel it’s enough and you made your point. :slight_smile:
Then I put that in the freezer in a baggie and forget about it. I might bury it if I want them to decay as well. (Use cotton so it can rot)


Thank you so much for all the advice! I love the poppets idea, though I ended up making a piece of paper with all the names, extension numbers, and my intentions because I’ve worked with over 10 USAA staff who haven’t made things easier on me. I’m not sure if all the poppets will fit in my mini fridge (don’t want to use the main fridge, I’m weary of my roommates knowing I am doing magic).

These people are now in the freezer, here’s hoping it helps! USAA is pretty powerful unfortunately.

Record all phone calls incoming and outgoing. Save All emails between you and your IA.

I have been hesitant to place curses do to concerns of backfiring on myself. Alternatively you can pay someone to perform one for you. Its not so much a matter of morality as much as it is making sure the energy goes and does its job and doesn’t return to sender.

The legal system doesn’t help the average person. The societal constructs that have been built have imprisoned the average person and tied their hands from success or simply finding the justice they deserve. I am a huge advocate for someone taking the initiative from the shadows and balancing the scales.

In Romania Politicians are afraid to tax the practicing witches because they know they’ll have curses placed on them. This keeps them in line and whether they want to do the right thing or not, they will, due to fear of a curse. When the law fails to save you magick can go the distance and finish the job. In North American there are many people in such positions of power which they abuse frequently, who believe they are untouchable. They are not untouchable. The crosshairs simply haven’t been focused upon them yet. Your insurance adjuster is no different.


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Unfortunately I lost this. But Dantalion got me merged with the right people at the right time so I could get the vehicle I wanted/needed (having a hard time with inflation). I still have a mess to clean up that USAA left me :frowning:

Free group wealth ritual tomorrow! Join in!


Thank you so much for letting me know about this! Hugs

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