Experiences/ opinions on Evocation of Higher Self

let me know when you studied those videos i gave to you in response to the unknowable knowledge,
in my previous post.

I really like your mind.



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This mind is ready to explode sometimes, especially when I can’t agree with what the social community is serving every day to the people. I feel I don’t belong here… Anyway this is another topic, maybe we will open another thread about this :laughing:
I will leave a feedback in the next hours about the videos you posted!
Be blessed :pray:

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How s that? Does Lucifer like/ demand such things ? I ve heard through the years about sacrifices of children to him etc is that a myth or there is a small truth in there?

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Could you explain the symbolism of the 1st pic?

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It’s an accumulation of all the narrative archetypes one can take on in the stage of life. The two triangles representing above and below the across from each archetype is it’s opposite. The bigger secret is that that shape is the mechanism that makes 3D shapes in your 2D thoughts in your brain it’s just that pattern over and over to make shapes in you head from eye inputs


Thank you mate! I think you could become good friends with @Yberion :smile:
Do you also have contacted your heigher self maybe?

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