Evoking The Nephilim

For what it’s worth I’ve had UPG that confirms that exact same thing, and this is from several years ago, so seeing so many things coming together from other people (without conferring, as they say on the quiz shows) is pretty awesome, thank you.

so…according to enoch,the nephilim are the genetic product between ELOHIM (watchers) and HUMANS.and that should not be done without god’s permission.

The gnostics had an amazing book on this, in which incredible secrets have been revealed to me about the giants and Azazel, and how their true creation came to be.

This was a large affair that involved a wholly different first creation story of Adam and Lilith, wherin Lilith refused submit to Adam sexually for god. And basically said fuck your shit bitch, and used the “INEFFABLE NAME OF GOD” to sprout wings and fly the fuck out of the garden.

This is important, because later on those angels needed HER later, this is the TRUE story of what the watchers came down to do. Without this, they could not create life, but this came at the price of helping her commit a most terrible crime.


This was the ultimate crime, if one has seen Azazel through the eyes of a demon, you can truly understand him for what he is, and his purpose. I thought I fully understood Azazel by seeing him this way.

But then I realized, I knew nothing on the genesis of how such a being could come to exist within this universe. So I went on a quest to read various ancient texts for answers on this. And I found the historical record indicates the creation of Azazel happened surprisingly recent, compared to the age of many spirits of any comparable power.

But I had to search deep and go to the most profound mind I have encountered in mathematics to understand that the “INEFFABLE NAME OF GOD” is a real thing, and it’s the key to understanding that story. This is a rather mysterious subject, few even know of let alone understand for various reasons.


Interesting stuff you guys. All this just makes me want to get around to evoking one ASAP

A way to commune with the Nephilim is to be in nature, dreaming with the spirits. They will guide you in different burnt offerings of ritually harvested plants which evokes their full powers.

No offense to you or your practice but that isn’t enough for me and leaves too much open for MM. 9 times out of 10 when I “work with” a spirit it’s in a evocatory capacity. Thanks for the suggestion though.

Just evoke one baphomet and find the truth to creation. Through the eyes of a
third person observing and neutral to the situation happening in front of
him. And find out why lilith or eve and whatever else. I’m trying to evoke
one. Not that I can, but I’ve come pretty close.

[quote=“Dani123321, post:27, topic:3069”]Just evoke one baphomet and find the truth to creation. Through the eyes of a
third person observing and neutral to the situation happening in front of
him. And find out why lilith or eve and whatever else. I’m trying to evoke
one. Not that I can, but I’ve come pretty close.[/quote]

I definitely plan to in the near future.

The supposed first angels to fall were all based upon older gods from the lands the founders of Judism were trying to convert to monotheism. I’d take the name dropping with a grain of salt. Lucifer was the Roman name for Phospheros in Greece, as Belial was Hadad/Marduk (and some say Zeus). Jehovah was El. Before looking to the nephilim as the end all be all, look at where the first to fall came from. Thier roots are much older than the Books of Enoch.

I actually wondered about this in the past, Do you think the stories of the nephilim were the rehashings of the stories of the demi-gods(such as gilgamesh, or heracles), just told from the perspective of their enemies?

That is exactly what I think. Trace the demons most feared back in time and you find a rich history of gods of enlightenment and the giving of knowledge.

A lot of people love the way the book of Enoch is by the nature of the text, because it’s so first person and I have the facts about all of it. He can quote entities by name, and offers details in abundance others simply do not offer at all. And people use it as a first hand accounting of history. I think Bran called me out when I used ancient texts for a good reason. Bran was talking to me about wanting to leave religion out of this. This is a huge point, because some “ancient alien theorists” are actually “Christians who believe in UFOs”, they just use ancient scriptures to offer “irrefutable proof” to all those who question. They offer Enoch’s claims as historical record. I say this, because I’ve had these people come to my aid in UFO arguments, and these people are so fucking nuts the only way they could be more insane, is if they converted to become Catholic, and openly acknowledge they pray to the reptilian space pope and the Demiurge by name.

You really have to read those stories, with a knowledge of many of the other stories, especially of other religions. Not only that, but you should understand sorcery, not be 100% allergic to the idea that aliens landed in the past, and if you want to worship them, I will remind you this place is called “Become A Living God”. You need to worship no one, and if you think such silly things, you can go play make believe with the rest of the children. This forum is not for you, you waste our time, as much as we waste yours. This is either a calling you belong to, or a place you need to leave.

If you want to radically interpret these messages, people will interpret you as a radical.

This comes down to whether or not you believe the claims people make in the books, or about them…Blindly.




These are the claims of a spiritual ignorance, that runs thousands of years deep.

do we really live in such an age of ignorance still?

I will point out dates and times as best I can, and give a correct accounting of the facts to my best ability.

But if I was to take whatever I read in those books at face value, I’d be no different than how fucked up they were.

And as much as I hate to say this,

I think Ellison is a fucking time traveling mason,

who goes deep into ancient history,

Goes back, and gets one of these ancient texts before it’s fully written.

And occasionally he puts in a paragraph, or in some books, he can get away with filling pages full of bullshit and completely wild claims.

He goes to the outskirts of ruined cities, and planting evidence in clay vessels to be discovered.

He then comes back to the future, and tries to out troll Sunnas, between his time traveling adventures and trolling us on behalf of the illuminati, with the express purposes of employment being to keep us from real progress toward godhood, and stirring up useless monkey shit fights which only serve to divide and distract us.

Well played Ellison, well played.

Fool us once shame on you,
fool us twice shame on us.

I just say that, because, if you read those books with a really open mind, sometimes you are open to a very unique fact, they say some incredible bullshit, that is VERIFIABLY FALSE AND KNOWN TO BE UNTRUE.

And that’s the huge contention everyone had with me even quoting scriptures about Azazel, even though many of them weren’t necessarily remotely Christian.

It just has to do with if we can even accept those books sometimes at all.

Perhaps there is some value, but when do we need to take it with a grain of salt, and when do we need a small Siberian salt mine?

But, it wasn’t my intention to be verified by science…

If I wanted to grab something that can be verified by science, perhaps I should have picked a Vedic text.

If we simply look at the history of how these books are used, the next time someone tries to offer one as “complete proof” it should be met by, everyone resuming their spiritual practices as if nothing more disturbing happened than someone accidentally farting too loudly in public, causing no more than a momentary distraction and hushed laughter.

Good Luck and Godspeed, and don’t let the Ellison get you down.
-Frater Apotheosis

Excellent post there, esp. that last paragraph!

I can honestly say that since I invoked Ahriman (this stuff), and carried that current heavily for 21 days, my life… it’s like I have my soul back, my entire full self that was missing in ways so lifelong and so normal to society around me that it was like something I never noticed, and it’s opened my abilities to interact with demonic entities AND angels to new levels, so yes, from purely personal experience, I have to agree with this!

I feel like someone born blind, living in a blind-adapted world, and suddenly I opened my eyes.

So, yeah. :wink:


EL is a name for the greek ancient gods.i’m from greece…greece= ΕΛΛΑΣ (HELLAS)

ΕΛΛΑΣ= the land of EL…mountain olympous was their base.

[quote=“dron, post:34, topic:3069”]@andreeje

EL is a name for the greek ancient gods.i’m from greece…greece= ΕΛΛΑΣ (HELLAS)

ΕΛΛΑΣ= the land of EL…mountain olympous was their base.[/quote]

There are a lot of parallels between Ancient Greece and the religions of the ancient Middle Eastern countries. El was also the father of Hadad. Hadad/Marduk was demonized as Belial because his cult was gaining a lot of power to the cult of El (who later became the Isrealites). Geece was also very prominent in that part of the world at the time. Marduk and Zeus both had the title Bel/Belus. No wonder the Isrealites didn’t like Belial, according to the Greeks, Zeus took his father down.

at least one thing is for sure.They had physisal bodies just like us.i read that APOLON is a sun god and is also a spirit who can be evoked.I’m curious about this.
what part of him will come in front of the magician?
i will wait for baphomet results.

also we might consider that the same gods were able to travel continents at almost no time.apolon might be some other god in africa and some other one in egypt.only the name changes…

Soooo… Who’s right?..

about what?
the EL?
I think EL is a title.Not a name.

about what?
the EL?
I think EL is a title.Not a name.[/quote]

well that and the true human creation story.
And basically, anything. Is there a spirit of complete
knowledge over everything?.. Not a demon, but a spirit
that just knows a ton.

[quote=“Dani123321, post:39, topic:3069”]well that and the true human creation story.
And basically, anything. Is there a spirit of complete
knowledge over everything?.. Not a demon, but a spirit
that just knows a ton.[/quote]

Tuel from Kingdom of Flames is attributed ultimate historical knowledge specifically of mankind. I haven’t evoked him, but you’re the one asking. Good luck.