Evoking my mother

I am planning on evoking my mother tonight. I want to ask Hecate to help this since I believe she is known for being a psychopomp and she could help guide my mothers soul to me. Would it be a good idea to make my own sigil for Hecate as a offering/ask her to empower it? Is there any way that would be best to go about doing this? I’m Very excited to see the results :smiley:


Wow really excited too, I follow your post.


I’m glad that you share my excitement :slight_smile: thank you!

Look no expert here at all, just sharing what I think is irrelevant.

You can evoke your mother without needing any help, and in saying so I say it with utmost respect,if you feel inclined to call on Hecate, please do, I don’t seem it doing any harm, I would just rather think you can evoke her regardless…

It should not be too difficult I would say.

But, best of luck with your endeavor!!!

Dark regards

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Excuse me, damn, I meant relevant.


First, why do you want to summon your mother? Your mother is still alive?

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My mother died when I was around 4. I want to evoke her to try and help both of us heal


awwwwww :slight_smile:

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Thank you! I have heard it is better to use a psychopomp but I do see your point as well. She is my mother after all and our connection is strong :slight_smile:

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Best of luck…

As you say, there is a connection obviously, and the intent will most definitely be there…

Do please let us know how it went…

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Did you call your mother? How it went ?

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@Gwenevere I did try to I posted it in my journal. I didn’t really experience anything I guess without senses it’s kinda pointless. And I had this dream I was being attacked by a evil spirit I have them very often except this time it was my mom.


Oh I didn’t see your journal.
Well maybe a spirit took her appearance. I hope you’ll get good results soon. Are you going to try again?

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Yes I’m thinking maybe an imposter spirit could of came through the evoking process cause I’ve been feeling some things but I’m not too worried just gotta banish this fucker. And yes I will try again :slight_smile: honestly felt a little defeated it’s an emotional thing and when I didn’t get good results I was a little frustrated. Funny thing to last night I had a dream someone commented on one of my threads :joy: and then you did! I don’t usually have notifications so I thought that was funny :stuck_out_tongue:


Haha yes funny you got a mental notification!
And for sure it was an imposter. Maybe you could try with the help of a medium it could ease the process :blush:

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I love this. Very special and I see it’s very heartfelt. Before doing any ritual you should create a circle of protection. Their is many methods. Using archangels, and other methods people use. Please someone guide this person in making one I don’t have the time to do so right now. That should make sure your connection is secure and what you call on is correct. Best of luck darling keep us updated. She’s your mother you’re bonded by blood and spirit. You don’t need any spirits but spirits like Hecate, or The demon Bifrons.
Here is the description of Bifrons ability

In your request, name the person you wish to speak to again. After the ritual, focus on your memories of them right through to the last time you met, and then allow yourself to sit quietly. You may sense words or emotions, immediately or in the days to come. You may have actual conversations (with the words heard in your mind, or sometimes out loud) that appear to be real.

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Thank you so much. Yes I do know how to cast a circle of protection :slight_smile: I will incorporate this on my next time I try to evoke. Also thank you for the useful information on Bifron :smiley: I won’t be giving up on this :slight_smile:

Do you know your mother’s faith? mainly because depending on their faith some psychopomp’s wont touch people who were followed a different pantheon or view. Such has Hecate won’t touch those who’s faith led them to a psychopomp of the Judeo pantheon, or celtic pantheon, etc.

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My mom was raised Catholic went to the school and everything but she didn’t believe it in herself wasn’t big on church or anything like that. That’s very good to know though I had no clue