Evoking demons for beginners

Can you please give me tips on evoking demons. I want to start doing it but i feel like there are some basics that i need to know first. How does it work? Do they take something from you in return? What’s the catch here?


The search function will help you out here I believe!


Sometimes they want you to give them alcohol or candy…

I suggest you use the search feature as has been recommended. Some members have posted “Evocation Guides” you might find useful.


I sure do like bribing Satan’s fallen angels with
alcohol and sugar for wordly power. Seems like a fair trade


@srcr It’s hard to say what they want. They usually like incenses and public praise for thier efforts. Usually being the key words.

It can really depend on the spirit, what your relationship is with that spirit, what you’re asking them to do…all these things play a part in what the spirit is going to ask you to do.

I have one spirit I work with that asks me on Fridays to burn a candle to him and leave out a piece of cheese or meat for him.

Some spirits want blood offerings. I don’t suggest you do this with spirits that you don’t know and haven’t worked with before. It makes the connection between magician and spirit much stronger.

The very best way to find out what the spirit wants is to ask it directly. If you can’t hear spirits you can do a divination with tarot cards or pendulums or some such device or even better trust your intuition.


Thank you for your response, what if I hire a magician to perform a rite? Will I still have to pay tribute to the demon. Sorry I don’t mean to be disrespectful, I would like to think that after a spell or a rite has been casted I will have no connection with the demon anymore and I will be able to move on with my life

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Just buy candles, many different candles, burn them on your living or ritual room, with intent to get their attention to them.

also change your sleeping patterns to observe nighttime.’

do not hire anyone to teach you yourself and your limitations of your existence.

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You might. Usually you don’t, but it depends on who you hire: you should do what they tell you to, as they have designed the ritual. As far as I know, this is not asked for in Rituals for Hire done by BALG authors.

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