
How can i use LBRP for cleansing befor evocation a spirit of geotia ? I know that callung upon arckangels would be meaningless for geotia. What would you suggest?

In the LBRP you call on the Archangels for protection. You can see that as another ritual just for protection.

In my opinion the spirits aren’t in a war. On the highest level there are disagreements, maybe. But on the other hand they work with each other in certain ways. So the spirit won’t be offended if you did the LBRP, grounding is advisable too.
It’s to prevent parasites and other low level entities.

If you do think differently, you could just say the incantations of KOF (banishing). If you become a familiar with a spirit you wouldn’t have to banish. I don’t with my familiars.

In my journal you get more info on grounding, LBRP, KOF and banishing.

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And for the LBPR I like this one guided:

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Thank you i read some where that just drawing pentagram are enough for working with geotia.

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Well the LBPR does the same in the whole ritual. But i liked what you wrote. It’s improvisation and spirits like people who improvise (have their own ideas),

In this you have two options

  1. We begin to meditate and imagine that there is a white light or circle of protection around is. This raises vibration and holds of lower level…


  1. Drawing a pentagram sets the intent, but it wouldn’t be enough for protection. For that you have to wear the pentagram (pendant, necklace and charge it).


  1. Why not draw it so it’s getting into your imagination (intend)
  2. meditate that you’re surrounded by a circle and on every side (East, West, North, Sound) you visualize the pentagram around you for protection.

Pentagram stands for protection.

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