Evocation the answers you have been wanting

Evokation where to start.
Now this is all taken from my notes and when I finish my book the explanation will be more detailed and smooth but I just wanted to get this out there for you guys because I’m tired of seeing so many posts asking the same questions and going unanswered.

Where as Nietzsche said the physical world is real and the metaphysical a fantasy I believe he didn’t take into consideration that there actually is a nonphysical world that exists. It is the realm of thought, the world composed of concepts ideas, constructs and mental faculties through which they are experienced and the experience is just as real even More so because even the physical is experienced in the mind


The consciousness perceives it and the collective consciousness is it’s outer expression. It is a world larger that the physical because not only do fantasies exist within it but so also does a concept for everything that exists within the physical. A mountain is a part of this physical world but so it is also a part of the mental world as soon as one thing is about that mountain but it is also the idea of the mountain, the urge to climb it the imagination of being on top of it, the mountain as it is conceived of in the mind of the individual and in the minds of others, it is the fantasies and the science of the mountain to know the minerals of the mountain as well as the way the mountain makes you feel while standing in the breeze that passes over it and the shared sensations of the rest of the climbers it is the conversation about the mountain the discussion of the plan to reach the tip and the desire and will to do so


It is the shared experience of the mountain and the memory taken with when one leaves it. s as though he had forgotten that I think therefore I am. But there is still more, it is the quantum entanglement of the mind with the physical mountain. It is the dream of the mountain. There is also the infinite web of connection of minds. But where I agree with him is that there is no separate world existing outside the physical or outside of us both individually and collectively. And he was wrong because things do come from that work into the physical world, a car may exist in the physical but first it had to exist in the mental and it is no mystery as to how the car came from the mental into the physical, but the real mystery is how did it get into the mental world in the first place


And depending on one’s understanding of Quantum physics there could be a question if the physical world came into being because of the mental or the mental because of the physical. The mental may or may not have created the physical but one thing is without question, it certainly can destroy it


Issac Bonewits definition of evocation

Evocation, Law of:“It is possible to establish external communication with entities from either inside or outside of oneself, said entities seeming to be outside of oneself during the communication process.

Key word here is “seeming”…


The mental world is the Dimension of thought. Thought is a Dimension of reality just like length width and depth and time etc


The Bonewits definition of metaphysics;

Philosophy of the relations between “underlying reality” and its manifestations


Pragmatism, Law of:“If a pattern of belief or behavior enables a being to survive and to accomplish chosen goals, then that belief or behavior is ‘true,’ ‘realistic,’ and/or ‘sensible’.

Reality, Levels of:The concept (resulting from the Law of True Falsehoods) that a given idea may be “true” in some situations and “false” in others, depending upon the aspects, sections, areas or other subsets of the personal or consensus universes involved; such subsets may be considered “levels” of reality


Reality:(1) The result of consensus opinion. (2) That which is most comfortable and convenient to believe. (3) My universe


True Falsehoods, Law of:“It is possible for a concept or act to violate the truth patterns of a given personal universe (including a single person’s part of a consensus reality) and yet to still be ‘true,’ provided that it ‘works’ in a specific situation.” See Pragmatism, Law of and Reality, Levels of


Unconscious, Collective:A theoretical construct of C. G. Jung, who believed that all human beings have access to the collected mental experience of all their ancestors and that, in essence, these memories (usually in highly symbolic forms) are carried genetically from one generation to the next; sometimes called “racial” unconscious, though whether the species as a whole or specific gene pools are referred to is unclear.

Unity, Law of:“Every phenomenon in existence at any point in space or time is linked, directly or indirectly, to every other one.”

Universals, Cultural:Patterns of belief or behavior that show up in all or a majority of human cultures, that are related to specific topics.

Universe:The total gestalt of all data patterns one may have about that which seems to be oneself and that which seems to be not-oneself; depending upon whether or not one believes in an objective reality, the universe can be considered to be a part of one’s metapattern or vice versa


Unconscious, Collective:A theoretical construct of C. G. Jung, who believed that all human beings have access to the collected mental experience of all their ancestors and that, in essence, these memories (usually in highly symbolic forms) are carried genetically from one generation to the next; sometimes called “racial” unconscious, though whether the species as a whole or specific gene pools are referred to is unclear.

Unity, Law of:“Every phenomenon in existence at any point in space or time is linked, directly or indirectly, to every other one.”

Universals, Cultural:Patterns of belief or behavior that show up in all or a majority of human cultures, that are related to specific topics.

Universe:The total gestalt of all data patterns one may have about that which seems to be oneself and that which seems to be not-oneself; depending upon whether or not one believes in an objective reality, the universe can be considered to be a part of one’s metapattern or vice versa


As for Jung’s collective I believe it transcends race and culture due to the quantum entanglement of the information we are made of


This realm of thought the entire spectrum of the existence that is perception which happens in the mind is the metadivine realm


What is the metadivine realm?

Here is an article that sheds some light on it.


The concept of filling in existed in me before I knew what it was


The brain does whats known as filling. Its where when the eyes dont see something the brain fills in the gaps to see something.

Following is a quote from my moonlight…

When we observe something, it’s our brain processing information from sensory receptors. When it lacks information, it tries to create it the best it can. What my brain does to fill in would likely be unique to yours.

I took it and ran with it…

So what we are tapping into is the quantum information via the subconscious mind and it translates into an image in the crystal sphere, black mirror, or incense smoke etc whatever the visual medium is.

The quantum information matrix being the realm of thought or the metadivine realm the world that exists in mental perception


The observer effect collapsing the wave function and filling working together in tandem. The individual reality and the consensus reality. And when the individual reality becomes consensus it becomes objective


Or the impossible and improbable explanation for such an even is an identical mass hallucination. Everyone just so happens to be all having the same exact hallucination


Some how magically everyone can have a hallucination that is exactly identical in every regard… Go figure


I guess the atheists and psychologists must believe in magick too then. Isn’t that neat?

And then we get into Occam’s Razor. Is a mass hallucination actually the most simple and logical explanation? Probably not.

If this were to happen, a mass hallucination…there is no way it could be explained with a neurological disorder.

When all other explanations have been ruled out the remaining no matter how improbable must be correct. Which would be that the perceived has become the objective consensus.

Investment in reality has a lot to do with its outcome andbthe subsequent perception.

Santa Muerte appears in a burrito in Mexico…


For the atheist who has no investment in it it’s simply a coincidence that the way the burrito was fried formed the image of Santa Muerte. And its a bit like the mind making a shape from a cloud in the sky.

But for the individual that bought the burrito it could be a heavy investment. She had been praying to santa muerte for months and seeing signs much like the Daad Meinhoft effect (where when looking for something you see it everywhere) and had been having continued experiences all to culminate in the finale of the burrito.

To her the manifestation or image in the burrito is beyond question due to her previous investment.

The consensus of the others around who all agree that the grill marks bear a striking resemblance to santa muerte validates her reality.

Ok so the culmination of experiences in the realm of thought become a perceived reality at least to the girl.

The sphere of awareness is where evocation takes place the burrito is the outside "sign " that the evocation has taken physical manifestation


But evocation begins the moment the idea enters our head and the moment we “think” of Santa muerte is the moment evocation begins. Evocation is as simple as just thinking about whatever is being evoked


If our awareness is like a flashlight then the moment the light shining falls on whatever thought or concept then that thought or concept is in our sphere of awareness at that moment in time.

The only actual thing needed for evocation is to bring a concept or idea into your sphere of awareness and let it take shape in your perception of your reality.

If I want to evoke King Paimon all I have to do is think about him and now he is in my sphere of awareness


And it’s as simple as that.

Expecting a variety of phenomena to occur isn’t even necessary, and in fact its a hindrance to the experience we could or should be allowing ourselves to have.

The kicker is…would the grill marks have just so coincidentally come together to form the shape and likeness of Santa muerte had the girl not been focusing on it for the past few months


Would a burrito have ever even had a reason to look like santa muerte and been so to the point of others seeing it and agreeing that it did and finding its way into the consensus reality


All realities continue to exist independently tge atheist will never accept anything other than a coincidence and the girl will never accept anything other than santa muerte herself made her presence known in a burrito at a taco stand in Tijuana.

Multiple realities existing simultaneously!

This is where it gets complex. Because at the end of the day the atheist still had to agree that the grill marks on the burrito did have a striking resemblance to the image of santa muerte.

His reality was effected by her on some level and the only level it could be effected was the objective…


Now that is fucking deep!

And we see this shit happening all over the world all the time this very scenario played out. Where believers are convinced and skeptics chuck it up to coincidence.

Neither reality is disrupted. But there it is.

Multiple realities existing simultaneously.

But only in the realm of thought both for the atheist and the Mexican girl.

But the objective consensus reality is centered on a fucking burrito that just so happens to look like santa muerte and also just so happened to be delicious and contain salmonella from improperly cooked chicken


Causing the death of everyone who ate it therefore being the very essence of the spirit of saint death santa muerte herself…


But I’m just fucking around now Lo


So external evocation is…

Bringing something into our sphere of awareness. (Calling it up) then brining some aspect of it into the consensus reality (calling it forth).

And there it is…evocation explained


So evocation in a nutshell takes nothing more than to think of the spirit and you have already called it up into your awareness. Then focused and concentrated attention calls it forth into your realm of perception and enough focus and attention brings it into the consensus reality on some level


Something to remember about what you are working with here. If its an ancient god or a force of the universe then its mostly relevant to the cultural mask. Say for example to the aztec god Quetzalcotyl it is customary to do such and such and if you don’t then your results wont be as good etc. However quetzalcotyl is just a cultural mask for a much larger universal force or aspect. The larger universal force or aspect is not subject to the preconceived notions of the culture to which the egregore it places its self in was created by said culture. For example Greek Hermes or Egyptian Thoth are also egregorial cultural masks of the same exact universal aspect. And you may not need to conduct the procedure prescribed for the Aztec version of said universal force.

Its a bit like cooking chicken.

No matter if its KFC Chicken Curry or chicken a la king at the end of the day its still chicken and the flavor or “cultural egregorial mask” is a matter of personal preference. Now it probably wont taste right to put curry spices on chicken a la king. But there’s no rule that says you can’t do it.

But generally speaking when cooking you follow a recipe. Not everyone makes chicken curry using all the same ingredients and some like it with more pepper or less salt etc.

And since in the end the ritual you perform is more abput you and getting your mind right and much less to do with the actual universal aspect then its ultimately up to you how you want to prepare your chicken dinner


The following is an answer to someones question asked me once before…

I hope this helps to shed some light on the general concepts involved here.

Why are candles used in rituals?

Atmosphere and ambiance mostly. The flicker of candle light is a natural lowlight that causes a hypnotic effect and a trance like state that brings one into an altered state of consciousness. But it also serves the function of correspondence for example the color of the candle speaks to the subconscious mind. Different colors have different meanings and if you really want to get into it check out the psychology of color some time. For example blue is soothing and calming arousing the emotions associated with healing, psychism, love etc . this is why dentists offices often have blue and light blue decor, because Lucifer knows dental work is stressful enough. Red is associated with passion, fury, lust etc. Its a busy color full of energy which is why it is so commonly seen in fast food restaurants, they want you to get in out and get on to the next customer it creates a sense of urgency. Color brings the emotional state into your mind that links you up with the attributes in question be they elemental or of a force or spirit


With evoking Marbas should I do all the required steps as what the Simple evocation guide said, or do another method of evoking him?

Do what you think is going to work best for you. Go with your intuition and what feels comfortable and right.

Can I evoke him just by lighting a candle with his sigil+focusing in on the candle. Then calling forth him by calling saying “(Spirit’s Marbas) come, appear before me 3 times. then by repeating his enn?

Sure you can but keep in mind that if you want him to appear before you in some visual way you will need a visual medium for him to manifest in and be ready to look for him to see him he may not appear the way you think. Spirits manifest themselves in a vast array of ways so be ready to see him as he presents himself and not the way you expect him to. You may see him in the candle or in the smoke of the incense or if you scry for him in the black mirror or obsidian sphere or whatever. You might also just see him with your third eye on the backs of your eyelids when you close your eyes.



i am novice in magick but this i think is true because sometimes i was thinking, how a specific spirit can help me, some days, weeks later i got what i need and automatic i was thinking in that spirit.

PD: Sorry my english is bad


Nice to see some quotes fro Isaac Bonewits.
I always loved the quote from Jung in regards to the rule of sight, “Visualization is the Key to the Occult” and you inferred this to an extent.


Only guy to ever graduate an accredited university with a degree in magick and the last one Berkeley would ever let do it too probably Lol


Omg this was long but definitely a good perspective I’ll like to reread this once I’m not so dang sleepy…ugh I hate not having good sleep


The laugh that just escaped my body!!!


Damn…i must be noob as fuck…To evoke an entity just by thought…how many years does it take to be able to do that? I’ll use all the tools I spent cash on, and barely get a sprite of light, which i cant rule out as being psychosomatic…no way to prove it is who or what I am evoking?

The difficulty is the faith based aspect…Is there a way to get the entity to prove it is not a sort of mania where i want to beleive everyone is a purple bunny, so everyone looks like a purple bunny ? How do I know Im not delusional and eager to beleive this light or these goosebumps are the entity, so I accept it as such?

How does one prove contact? How does one know the voice one hears outside of one’s self isn’t an aphorism or the mind’s desire to make order out of chaos (sort of how a circle with 2 dots and a line becomes a face to the brain) ? There’s gotta be some way that would appeal to scientific method to prove the evocation is so…or then it’s just a matter of faith, and faith based hings are a problem for me to embrace…Granted there are results, but one can get results by not evoking the entity into physical reality (invocation) …but the mind plays tricks on us. Our brains are faliable and fuck with us all the time. How do u know what u hear from within just aren’t a wild stream of thoughts?

How do u prove evocation? How do u prove u physically manifested an entity from universe b into this universe or whatever?


You can do it right now, no training required. As soon as you think of an entity, you have called them to your consciousness, regardless of whether you can perceive them with any of your physical senses.

There is ultimately no difference whether you ascribe the effects to your imagination or to an alien entity affecting you. Why? Because you have already achieved the desired effect of feedback. The point of your workings is to change your subconscious and your mental landscape to affect change in the physical world. It is a two-way street. If you feel goosebumps or see a strange light, it does not matter whether it is caused by mania or suggestion or if there is indeed an ancient entity sitting next to you in your bedroom. You have called out, something has called back to you, and your brain registers this regardless.

As above. It ultimately does not matter. When I was a kid I was very blonde but wanted to have black hair. I mentioned this in passing to an adult and she said to me, “Well, you have to want what you have before you have what you want.” So, dumbass child that I was, I used to sit there thinking with all my might, “I love my blonde hair!”, hoping that this self-acceptance would turn my hair black. That’s not how it works. You accept this paradigm for its very own sake, not because you see it as lip service in a one-two-three step program to achieve your final goal, but because the changing of your own mindset is a goal unto itself for the purpose of growing.

To be honest I would be very skeptical if anyone ever claimed that they’d chanted an enn and poof, Satan himself shows up in a puff of smoke looking like a Disney caricature with horns and the lower body of a goat and all. VERY skeptical.

But again, this is not the point.

The point is that you dedicate enough of your mental load to pursuing a goal, for long enough to change your own mindset, to grow as a person, to become more secure, to let go of your lust for results, and to be grateful for any good fortune that comes your way.

Let’s say you play make-believe and call upon Archangel Michael every single night without fail for the next 30 days. Your mind automatically associates Michael with the archetype of a divine, forgiving, benevolent, caring entity. You focus on tapping into this energy at least once a day for a month. Regardless of whether you truly believe that the ancient and all-knowing Archangel Michael has deigned to come down from his throne to chill in your bedroom with you, you have still programmed into your brain the ability to access the “supreme goodness” that this entity represents.

This will have an effect on your brain and flow over into your day to day life. It will be subtle - you’re probably not going to win the lottery and have falling at your feet while the mayor hands you the key to the city. But you will have programmed your brain to steep in the ideals of forgiveness, benevolence, and caring, and this will translate into how you act and react to the world around you, and when good things happen to you, you will attribute it to Michael, and project gratitude; not like you’re dutifully putting gratitude coins into a vending machine so you receive more output, but because you truly feel that way. And this in turn trains your mindset to look for ever more good fortune in line with your goals, and celebrate, and to be able to weather poor turns of fortune, because you have Michael to rely on.


I must say, thank you for this write up! Lengthy, but definitely worth it especially for beginners and those who just don’t “get it”.


Why does @AdamThoth look like @Lupin III?


Because he is.

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