Evocation of Satan?

Also, I see you do free tarot reading, can you just do one for me. I just want to know whether I would be able to get the love of the man I desire. Thanks.

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I so wish that happens to me as well, as I love him a lot.

This is the way


He has manifested as shadows and voices (not physically heard voices) to me, never in a true and solid form. His energy fills the air when He is around and everything feels electric. There is a clarity which comes over me and an inner light which consumes me. Speaking to Him is hearing Him but not hearing at the same time. It is a very clear KNOWING of what is given to me. Almost like telepathy, but without words or sounds. Just an innate “I now understand.” You sound as though you are very close to this stage. Keep pushing and keep sharing.

As for guidance I basically just have my own methods intertwined with the usual things such as candles, incense, chanting, ringing of the bell, dressing the altar. I have and do often offer my blood signature on the parchment. I burn my parchments to release the energy and intent into the Aether.

My best advice is to keep going. You are definitely being heard and responded to. You are on the correct path. He is very real. He is very giving. He is the true Lord of Man and Master of the Earth. He will guide you, teach you, help you to gain wisdom and knowledge. He will intensify your magickal workings. He will strengthen you and give you an aura of respect which others can feel and respond to.

As for your last sentence, I expect nothing less. I “pray” to Him just because. Not only to ask for things, but to grow closer and to be able to recognize His energy. In regards to whatever may be going on in your life, ask for help with that. Visualize your desired outcome as strongly and clearly as you can. It WILL manifest for you. I promise you if you do this with the correct intent, it WILL happen.

Stay on the path. Approach with nothing but respect, but make sure you promise to give something in return. A public thank you goes a long way when you receive that which you ask for.


I will not stop now, there is no going back. I do spell where I use my blood to write the pact, sort of blood pact, I have been doing that since over a month now. I burn the paper containing the spell as well. I think so I am very close to manifesting my desire as well.

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So a little update on my progress on this, after today’s invocation I saw the same fire thing again but also saw other images. I saw image of goat horns, both with and without face multiple times. And in the end, I saw image of what may seem like either multiple goat horns or hell’s fire I assume. Let me know what you all think of this. I am still working towards telepathy, he doesnt converse with me, if anyone can guide me more on to what I can do towards improving my telepathic skills, that be great.

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Satan manifested for me like thick foggy black smoke raising up from the floor of the room I’m in. I seen it with the lights on but that dark mist really intoxicates me and gets me feeling silly and happy. Like I just want to get up and dance around the place :laughing: If outside, Satan has manifested as birds, lizards, cats, and sometimes will blow a single leaf from a nearby tree, to land on my lap. His energy is very sweet and loving.

He can also be very harsh if you are doubtful towards him. I once questioned him repeatedly to manifest while I was taking a walk, and I proceeded to get severely divebombed by several screaming birds pecking my head. Thankfully I had a hat on to protect my head from those nasty ass birds!

I’m not a satanist, but Satan has helped me realize some things which have helped me completely change the way I look at life, as well as breaking through stubborn religious brainwashing. He is very helpful with that too.

I don’t find him adversarial but his presence in my life has a very strange side effect with people so be aware some people might act up.


Just an update on this, after my recent evocation, I saw Father Satan in my dreams. And he is real, I can feel that now, he helps me with whatever issues I have, and is guiding me towards achiving the real goal that I asked him to fulfill for me. I would evoke him again tonight, probs at midnight, and with the power of full moon tonight, I am positive I would get much closer to fulfilment of my petition.

i really want to learn im still young but i fell this deep connection towards dark magik and towards demons please teach me some spells and show me how to summon and banish demons i reallly want to learn how

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A new update based on last night experience. This time I saw Father Satan’s goat horns and his face with angel wings in the candle’s wick. It was like he has appeared to me. I am still working on developing my astral senses for communication. If anyone has more tips on how to do that? And what stage am I at right now? Please let me know.

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As far as I have heard, it is impossible to summon Satan without having an agreement with him from past lives. He exists in literally everything but he is invisible, as my long practice with him has shown me. He is also Lucifer’s brother, but they have different mothers, and Satan is responsible for the inner workings of Hell and warfare. It is actually hard to tell from practice with him, but in my dreams and exits from my body he appears mostly as thick black smoke or standing behind my back, so I cannot see his appearance. As for the present time, his energies were more paternal to me, and yet I felt him as a ruler.

So is it possible that I have a previous connection with him? Like from my past life. Because it feels that way to me so strongly, hence the reason why I call him Father. I can’t exactly explain what it is, but that is exactly what it feels.

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I would advise you to rely on your inner feelings but not drown in illusions. Since the same Dantalion in practice with my friend pretended to be Lucifer and their energies were almost impossible to distinguish. With regard to side effects with people as written above. I agree with that. I would call Satan a jealous spirit and at the same time you change some inner view of people - you do not want to have a relationship if a person does not embody Satan, you literally start looking for the figure of this demon in everyone. Well, this is in my experience, everything is individual for everyone.
With regard to blood when working with Satan, I used it only once in all the years. Mostly I used alcohol, food, or my energy (sexual, love, gratitude) as offerings
And I agree with the way described above - the knowledge that he gives literally fills you and leads immediately to an understanding of the whole essence of things. He showed me the past life and why some things are closed from me

I also have to warn you that there is no sigil of Satan - all the sigils that supposedly refer to him actually refer to Lucifer. Satan plays the role of that “man” who will always be hidden behind the screen of this world. Therefore, it is better to conduct all meditations without any sigils, direct energy into a candle or just into space as a ray. In any case, they will hear you and give you a sign

This is a spirit card based on my personal experience, if there are more knowledgeable people here, I will be glad to hear another opinion. But I hope this will help the author of the post somehow

A mature man with the strong energy of an authoritative person, has a pleasant character as a patron. Teaches the practice of power over space, directs the study of various sciences (he showed me how the universe was created and destroyed, my past life, how to summon various spirits, helped with psychological problems after trauma, and showed me how to control space in a dream)
He is a member of the Infernal Triumvirate, manages the army and borders, and also comes to the Adept along with 3-4 guards and advisers. A rather closed and laconic Spirit, in his environment has only trusted persons. On the right hand as an adviser is Asmodeus, I also noticed that he is close to Adramelech, Coronzon and Zadkiel. Will tell about the origin of the Universe. Transmits knowledge to a person through the subconscious, can help the practitioner to experience spiritual death and rebirth. Composes prophetic texts, shows the past and the hidden

Element: Fire, Earth
Planet: Venus, Black Sun
Sigil: does not exist

Yes, I respect your opinion on this and thank you for your advise, and look I am not interested in creating a controversy/fight on the platform. But I am a staunch theistic Satanist, and I have reasons for that. In my opinion, Father Satan is one of the most powerful dieties to exist, he has no reason to be “jealous” of anyone. And I don’t think of him as a demon, he is my Lord and God and Father and that is what he is going to remain.

As for relationship with people, I never had good relationship with them anyways, I hate people and literally have no care/concern for them. I am myself not a good person, nor have any intent of being one. I have always been a dark soul, more I read about Father Satan, more I realised that I relate to him. He is totally like me, if I were to be in his place, I would do exactly same things. It has always been easy to term someone “jealous” for right things they do, been through that myself. Father Satan is not a true demon, demon exists in heart of people, they just can’t embrace it and need someone to put a blame on.

On a personal front, my life has changed for better since I converted to Satanism, so I would not say that I had any side-effects, or what were side effects on them are blessings for me. The primary reason of my coversion to Theistic Satanism is because he himself called me, to just follow passions of my heart and be happy.

Again, this is my personal opinion on Satan, I do and will always believe in him more than any other deity or people in general, as that is my personal experience with him. I am not trying to defend myself or create any argument, hope I don’t get banned for this reply, or have offended anyone with this. Peace.


I agree about your opinion that he is the only God, the Father, and so on. I feel the same way about him.
About relationships with people…I have shared your position for many years. You can read my profile post titled “Working with Demons to Solve Depression”. In fact, Satan taught me and still teaches me that - I am the most valuable person for myself and other people should not interfere with my elevation, but I should not waste the energy of revenge and hatred on them, as this slows down spiritual awakening. I turned to Satan several times when I was on the verge of killing myself and I hated myself so much that my only desire was to die and be alone with him - with Satan as the one who always helped me. But you can’t always rely on him either. It is necessary to become a worthy person and be near him already as someone who respects himself. I don’t call demons demons, for me they are exactly the same Gods as everyone else. And all the names are just invented by people and only the spirit knows the true name. With regard to the fact that your relationship has improved on the love front after turning to Satan - I am glad about it. He just teaches us different things, someone not to be naive and distrust everyone he meets, and someone else.

Thank you for your reply, and sorry I misunderstood you a bit. Yes, what my experience with Satan has taught me, is to just follow what my heart says, as long as it makes me happy, it should not matter whether what I am doing is good/evil. And I have truly embraced that opinion of his, which has made my life much happier.

Thank you again for all your advises and sharing your experience with him so that I can learn more.


Late on the bandwagon here but so happy to see another fellow Satanist that sees him this way too. :slight_smile: It honestly makes me happy.

My tip for you is he is tough love and will want you to do most on your own. I learned the hard way that even though he has your back when your in need he prefers you to work it out on your own. :slight_smile:

I have a journal of some things if your interested in peeking at.