I did Demon’s of Magick’s Ritual 1 and Henry Archer’s ritual.
In DOM’s ritual 1, I felt so much hot in my room while doing the ritual. While I was visualizing Sallos, I saw that her/his appearance is like blackish icy something. I used tarot to talk to him like for introduction (King of Wands, The Sun reversed, The Magician). After getting to know him, I asked Sallos of helping me to my relationship and offered him a chocolate and a water, and I sealed the sigil. After the ritual, I felt like someone was watching me (I don’t have my third eye activated so I don’t know). I still feel warm even if it’s not that so much hot.
In Henry Archer’s ritual, my heart was beating so much fast and I was getting a heartburn while meditating. It was really warm too and my forehead got a bit sweaty. I requested in a specific way and I did tarot if Sallos will be working with me. I received a “Eight of Pentacles and The Devil reversed”. Both are a yes however, there is a restriction because the ritual has like an Angel that restricts him/her to do stuff.
However, I’m not sure if I did both the ritual correct or if I was just hallucinating with what I was feeling during the ritual.
I wanted to work with Sallos because I saw how many people was saying that they were helped by Sallos and he was really good with relationships.
I had spells done last December, communication spell, comeback to me spell, reconciliation spell, sweetening spell. I was really trying to fix our relationship so much and I am always waiting for him. But he have blocked me everywhere.
This January, he unblocked me and he has told me he wanted our relationship to be fixed but he isn’t doing any efforts. He told me he can’t love me and he had sex with a transgender while we were talking about fixing our relationship. He said “i love you” and I asked him why he said that and he answered “just bored”. Just yesterday, he had blocked me again and told me that he will not contact me anymore.
I don’t know what else to do so I tried to connect and work with Sallos. But I have been doing lust for result. I constantly check my ex’s socials and if he is active using my friend’s account. I’m also doubting my evocation because I just did this first time.