Evocation of Fro'ghla'tasch

I evoked the neither Fro’ghla’tasch out of BOA and tasked her with bringing me a new woman. I was happy with the manifestion during the ritual, however nothing has become of this. No new lover, no sex flat out nothing. I’ve given several weeks for this spirit to work, but I’m completely dissatisfied with the results. Have you guys worked with this neither before? If so, what result did you have? What was the approximate wait time for manifestion? I’ve worked with other nethers from BOA before, mainly Lord Kiltan, with great results. What’s your advice.



If I were you, I would simply Evoke her again and inquire as to why your request failed to manifest. Perhaps there are things at play you are currently ignorant of.

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Also the ussual questions about what mundane things you did to help with the working.

I know we like the spirits to drop things in our laps, but do you really want the sort of woman who is ok with you having poor hygeine and fitness or doesn’t do social things?

Not to imply that you aren’t social or well kept, simply that there is definitly something to be said for sorting out the mundane self and putting yourself in the right situations to meet people that goes beyond simply assisting the working.

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I’m definitely in shape, well groomed and according to my female friends I am very good looking. I’m also a working musician and in front of hundreds of new people each week, many of them single women. Yet, I am going mostly ignored, like something is blocking me. I used evocation as opposed to the standard walking up to a girl to see if the demon could drop someone in my lap. So far that hasn’t happened. I’m thinking of taking Darkness’ advice and evoke the spirit again to see what the issue is.

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Have you ever considered that when this event you describe takes place… you being in a single walk(and I have seen you talk about it before here…step back and look for an overview of it and then ask if this could be a real aid in education for your life…It is a fact that a relationship takes time and involvement…time that one could spend in the development of the metaphysical and your ascension in this lifetime…rather than spending it in emotional give and take…but then again…some require this in a lifetime and will work on the ascension in another lifetime…each has their own choice at any crossroads…just something to throw out there…to consider…instead of calling up a mate to interact with. It is much easier to live a life being selfish just for yourself than taking care of yourself as well as another also…smile.

Also, I doubt if all those hundreds of females each week see you as one that would be interested as staying true to only one female…rather than being tempted with thousands… you are probably giving off those kinds of vibes to every one of them…




I have wondered if the reason I’m single is to work on ascent. Though I’m not sure why the two would be mutually exclusive. The thing is I’m not fulfilled being alone.

As far as giving on the vibe that I would be interested in thousands of women, I haven’t contemplated that. I know that I’ve never been into the whole game of just hooking up with random women. It’s been in front of me for so long, but the lifestyle isn’t appealing at all. I’d much prefer to be in a relationship with one girl only. But hey, vibes are vibes, and I could be giving them off unintentionally. As always, thanks for the insight.


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Heck, look around you in the spirit world…you are never alone…how can one ever be lonely…Heck…

I wish I could be alone…every time I turn around and look in the mirror…someone else is always standing there…damn it…

Uncle Fester…

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I evoked frogtalasch once for two reasons, one is to find someone to help out with some occult stuff and the other to find a girl to help with some sexual attachments, sort of got part of the first request.


Can you just use E.A.'s Sigil Magick to influence a lover? or must you do a full evocation of a spirit such as Sitri?

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I’ve worked with frog’la’tash now for 6 months. He/she the wolf god/goddess wil bring you whom you need and whom you ask for. She needs specific instructions when you cause her to rise. I’ve used her to generate hits on dating sights, younger, modelesque women to ask me out on dates. I’ve had a make out partner who was hot as shit move in next door and fool around with me as a dare to frog’la’ash. Finally she delivered me my Ishta or goddess on easter 2013. This has been the most powerful relationship in my adult life. I will likely marry and have children with her. Why? Because she is a perfect match to all that I asked for, fulfilled coincidentally on the last day of the contract in which the demon froglatash had to work. I suggest you call him/her with semen or sexual fluid on their sigil in their honor. Do the entire deed while fantisizing about your lover. Let froglatsh take her/his shape. When you reach orgasm use those fluids offered on an open sigil. And I’m pretty sure it’ll work for you too…add your own touches of course. And be honest about what you want!!!



awesome man!
But can you use it fo sigil magick
? Should i do an evocation even though i never did one before and may not sense anything- wold the demon still appear and listen to my request?
also how do you pronounce the demon’s name?

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pronounced Frog Lah tasch.

Full evocation of him is not necessary. But he will not work with you without an evocation and covenant/pact with azazel.


ok. oops. I will choose another entitiy in the meantme. Thankyou Zekariah

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What Entity would you reccomend in the mean time Zekariah? Paimon?

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Honestly I’d recommend just using the red candle spell EA gives in the ebook. Add to that an attraction for sex hoodoo oil. Then dress nice, go out to a local bar and watch them take the baiy. Be friendly and do not mention magick! Ive found that will bring you a quick fix!

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You can also supplement what Zekariah suggested with a hoodoo love bath and also putting some sexual fluids on your pulse points to really push the pheromones into the atmosphere.

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I concure with ultra mega chicken!

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Is the previous evocation and pact with Azazel the necessary condition to work with other Boa’s Spirits? in fact it is what I understood by reading the book, but I was not sure.
Sorry in advance for my noob question. I’m new here and perhaps I didn’t look in the right thread where you’ve surely already addressed this issue…

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Hi Dana,

Welcome to the forum. Your questions are welcome here or on any other thread I post. I will do my best to answer you faithfully and true to the best of my ability. As it was this time last year that i was the noob.

An impending pact was implied when you first started to call his name and he drew near to you. He’s waiting for you to make the next move. The actual blood pact intensifies his power by uniting your own self, your guardian Angel, and his demonic priesthood together. Try it out. It doesn’t have to be for a full 90 days, it can be shorter or longer depending on your own dharma. Please take your pact seriously as only a fool would call a demonic King into his/her life for some half assed bullshit reason. Azazel is calling out to you whispering to you in the dark. He is hearing your voice and seeing your signs and waiting for you to make the next move. I encourage you to make it. I have found azazel to be trustworthy in honoring his end of the agreement. Just get ready for the whirlwind that’s coming to sweep you away to the path of power and secrets of eternity.



Hi Zekariah,
thank you very much for your welcome and for answering me in such a comprehensive way.
I have been thinking about the pact for several months now, so I am pleased to read that things went well for you and that, after some time, you’re happy to have it done.
I have to wait a few more months to fix some things of everyday life and then I’ll be totally ready…

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