Evocation Of Fastos [Incantations, The Demonic Tongue, And The Origin Of Demonic Script]

Incantation For Money

Jasof nengreda itshcu tabla riol tesch adjron draj nuiz desca tol/
Ni-najet asol mongo tufe itz crole saju lamba ni-orco streh ambo-tu/
Mangat-so I’tunshe nahgra maak su to neh ha

This incantation Needs no candle, spirit, or magic square.
This relies on sheer Expression. Meaning your Will and how badly you WANT this shit. Most of the times we say to not WANT something or be attached to it but this powerful form of magic draws on just that, want.

The more badly you want the money, the more power will be forced through your throat chakra by the Incantation. You can feel this as a tightening and swelling of energy in it.

Another sign that a Demonic Incantation or Word of Power is legit is you WILL feel the Vibrations of it scratching and tearing your throat chakra as it moves through you.

This can result in a Sore throat if you arent used to Infernal energy and using incantations extensively :ok_hand: