Evocation Bluelist PT. 2: Going In, Going Hard

Evocation of Lucifuge Rofocale

Setting: Laying on my bed. Bone-Tired. About to sleep…or maybe not

Message: I am Lucifuge Rofocale. Prime Minister of Hell. I come to say that indeed you are powerful. Hell approves of your acts for you act in power. You shall rise, never to fall. Except by your own hand. Stay Vigilant. No force can stop you, except you! You are not a God that is powerful just so you can have the title. You are a God that is powerful so you can act and change your environment. You are a Man. That has assumed a Godform. That Godform is your Self. Be yourself. Dont act based on intimidation. Act based on information. Act based in knowledge. Divination will help you greatly here. Take the knowledge, write it down, and organize it…then apply it. Omniscience is the ability to not just know everything, but apply everything you come to know. It is easy to sit back and think “I know everything!”. Very well… But can you apply what you know when your mind comes back to reality? Or do you break down at the critical moment? That is your current struggle. Work on divination and your creativity will develop. The point of divination is not to just get answers to questions, or predict the future, but to find new ways of using the information that you get(Creativity). Creativity is the highest form of divination. Omniscience the lowest form. I know, it’s unusual for a Prime Minister of Hell to talk about creativity. But Micah, this is Hellish Creativity we are talking about. Not average petty human creativity. If you want to have the powers of demons, learn mundane ways of increasing creativity. It’s how we get hit work done.
Lucifuge Rofocale has spoken!

Next up, Beatrice!


Evocation of Beatrice

Setting: Almost 1 A.M…15% battery left on phone. Listening to Hotline Bling (Wii shop remix)

Message: The Internet is the modern day version of the Primordial Void. Firewall, Firefox,Google,etc. Are literal entities in this world(internet world). It is a literal dimension that can be traveled into through Soul Travel. Beware of Viruses that can come at you through your computer. It is possible to attack someone magically using the internet, fibers, connections, WI fi signals, etc. It can be done. Likewise, if you have the routing number for their modem(if it is a computer ) you can create firewall(servitors) that monitor them through the computer! Technology is advancing and so must your magic :smiley:. Anything is possible in this day and age! I’ll leave the rest of the ideas up to you, dear :wink: Good luck! I will report to you soon! :gift_heart:

Beatrice has spoken!

Last but not least, is Dante!!!


Yeah, that’s her alright!

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Evocation of Dante

Setting: 5 A.M… Going back to sleep before I wake up again at 7 to get ready for work.

Message: Each one of you are Holy Warriors. You are your own saviors. No Bishop can absolve you of your so called “sins”. The only Christ that can save you is your Godself. I fought through hell to retrieve the one I love, but it was bigger than me. Each one of you, it is the same. The Holy power that is within you will be your Virgil to guide you through the circles of the Hell you find yourself in whether it’s a enemy-made hell, a soul sucking job hell, a family dispute hell, it doesn’t matter. What matters is that you fight and conquer all that comes your way Young Warrior! Sinister powers can be used for good. Good is whatever is necessary in the moment. Don’t be weak. It takes strength to enter into hell. Damnation is the way of the strong my friend! It took murder, lies, and blood to get me there but I am the better for it.

Dante, The Holy Warrior, has spoken!


This is awesome. Would you be willing to evoke Hades?

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Yes @XxMxX. Please find the thread “Evocation Blacklist” and comment there and I will add it to the list…

That really resonate with me, 2 minutes ago someone came to me and tell me "Primer Minister Lucifuge!”