Ever Killed With Magick?

Another update x as of 7 April ( ten days later I think) the annoying guy has fallen very ill and we found it out today.

Apparently his lying tongue and throat is warped in infection and the antibiotics are not working.
They won’t work - we know that- it will only get worse from now …apparently he has some sort of death flu whereas he cant leave his bed or speak.

Updates will keep coming x


Excellent work documenting this.

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It’s for the benefit of our lovely community x we all have these pests we need to teach a lesson to from time to time x


New update 15 days later.

The Focalor jar with Urine Plus Vinegar was added with a few more rude enemies in addition to the previous enemy.

You Will know a Urine jar is working when you notice the following :

(1) annoying person goes quiet or sick
(2) disappears.
(3) Tries to make calls to lie to you further but are either discredited or exposed.
(4) Unconsciously end up speaking their actual evil intentions to you so you have no more doubts as to their intentions
(5) will suffer from fall in grace everywhere.
(6) Ultimately chokes on their own evil deeds against you and dies…Focalor does give a sudden death of the soul if not the body.I have not had the time to accelerate my hate for the target’s bodily death as some of the new targets owe me money x once they pay they are going to die.


The Focalor jar does keep the enemies away.We got rid of most of the parasites x

An additional spin on the radionics machine with pictures of all enemies on one page with a sigil of dratalon also works wonders.


Me too. I wonder if my curse on my bully worked. I cursed her to have her life screwed up, be divorced by her husband and have her daughter poisoned by her. After I cursed them, I never heard anything from her anymore. Did it even work I wonder? That curse of mine was assisted by Hekate.


show me your radionic machine please :slight_smile:

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You think it was necessary to induce so many pain to that certain person and others? Maybe what was needed was just to clear the world of that person for the good of others. I don’t know your situation, but if you think that what you did was needed, it was indeed needed because you are your own god and you are creating your own world.


Why wonder - just be glad the person is gone. The curse has worked.

It’s done.

Why waste my beautiful glorious valuable energy on such a pointless piece of shit.

How I see it.


Precisely. I like that.


Yehey :slight_smile:

Yes… and I want to be better and more effortless and fluid with it.

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I may try this with my digital radionics machine. I take it you mean draw the sigil of Dratalon over the target’s photo? Did you have good results with this method? There’s one little f***er (a former friend of mine), that I need to take down…


Hi there Lotus, just read your posts! :slight_smile:

If I get it right
the offering serves to infuse what you offer with the energy or forces of the entity you call upon, am I right?
So you eat it afterwards or?

I know it’s being done in white magick too, they often offer food in India for deities and those deities then
boost the food energetically, filling it with life-force and other generally transcendental qualities.

What is your experience with that? :slight_smile:

Reading your story I see that you had quite some uncovering to put in motion.

Would you describe this guy as evil?

On a more personal level I
have to say I use extensive death magick in cases where
people or other beings killed or raped other people or generally work towards the ‘detriment of humanity at large’ (through food poisoning, medical poisoning, …that is meant to lead to death)
and differentiating in my magick if they still acknowledge their vicious actions at the moment that I perform the ritual. (for no need to kill them if they already turned from acknowledging their actions’. I also often ask those that are doing such things due to peer pressure and would not do so if they were not being pushed to (such as sometimes happens in the illuminati— sometimes if people don’t do as they are told, after they have been bribed into coercion, they are being killed) that they would be safely removed without collateral damage and purified in more peaceful ways). There are those who would kill for fun, still and if not stopped would desecrate humanity and the planet, and at the end of the day, I realize that may goal is to help make a beautiful paradise for all, because I have to live on this planet and because I can.

Cosmic Justice applied…

But generally someone that really has a bad attitude and messes up life,
I deliver them unto the will, law, justice, purity, power, perfection of the source and they get dealt with, they
are then are having all their attitudes mirrored back in accordance with (the will, law, justice, purity power perfection of God and it leads to them reaping everything that is not in perfect alignment with those precepts)
and it seriously puts them on their place-they often live, according to their mirror intentions.
But they fully get the lesson 100 percent either way, and become people that do have respect for life, which is what I ultimately wish for and, that which the inner, pure will stands for, the fundament of Life, also holding self-love and Self-respect. (Will rooted in the source of all, which we are in oneness and equality with all life, structurally spoken).

All that being said, if you ask for people to find themselves again and to be more respectful
to beings in your rituals, those beings can generally be successful in whatever task you give them.

If you would say to Lucifer or Archangel Michael,
I want that person to be respectful, stay away or be out of my life, in those simple words,
it works as well…; just to inform you that things can be easy…;

Looks like you had quite a job…

P.S. Where did you find those specific references about vinegar and so on? :slight_smile:


lol Sulfur and urine, definately gotta be smelling seriously strong indeed…
Do you buy your sulfur in a store where you can buy gardening things? :slight_smile:

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The radionics software does have different windows for uploading picture of target and the power symbol you wish to direct on the target.So in the latter window you can use that sigil.

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I know about vinegar from experience.Somehow I am always so angry or hurt when making a vinegar jar that the person either gets sick or loses their job or something.I always whisper
“ may your life be sour sour sour …”

And it works.

For offerings if I am entrusting the jar to the nine kings of hell or lord focalor or lord dratalon I will leave a freshly cut chicken late night at a graveyard or offer food which I will then also leave at a graveyard.

Some kings are happy to accept an offering of menstrual blood or freshly drawn blood from the magicians body too.


I forgot to place the update here, it seems that he now going through a real bad time and has been exposed enough for his deeds.I cancelled the death request as he has two children and I am a soft hearted person deep deep down in my heart.But that guy has learnt his lesson not to mess with a witch again.The point is, you may be sitting next to a witch and never know about it.In my case, I am not quick to take offence and hurl magic at anyone unless they have called it upon themselves by disrespecting my boundaries.


Thanks for sharing, very helpful and insightful - :slight_smile:

Are you considering removing his other damaging effects once you are sure he learned his lesson(s?)
if he didn’t already? :slight_smile:

Oh I was thinking of sharing the following with you, considering your skills, I am dealing with these type of people…
mind giving me a hand, world-wide? I think I used almost every demon including Dratalon, Lucifer, Satan, on these that I could get my hands on…;
some elite people pay for this madness…if you feel you wish to add your personal mix, you may be able to save more lives…tons of lives…;
Some things, not mentioned in this video really involve, cutting children while alive, beating them to death in most violent ways, butchering them or paying to see them being butchered in a large number of ways, treating them like a negligible piece of meat, where everything vicious goes, (more than I can imagine I can only guess) as it goes as far as cutting children’s heads off, drugged, in a row, with a sword for entertainment…; in one of the cases I listened to so far…

I guess that’s enough food for a well fitted reply…(?)

Now, if you want to test your engines to save lives…;
These kids need us because, most of them are in places where no-one would think of them, and the only thing that may perhaps stop an abuser or abusers dead in their tracks, is us.

Can you tell me what you think…?

I’ll be using my draconian circle for this one…; I’ll give them the absolute, that’s for sure,
just delivering justice and defending the defenseless, in a sense of justice, ultimately.
Anyone else wants to help out these children with me? I’d raise armies, that’s for sure, yet if anyone is looking to make a difference, this is a serious scourge on the planet.

“Pedophile rings/pedophiles that still think up to this day that it is ok to abuse children”
are my target. I’ll be sending a list of demons I will use for this round…;

Archangel Michael/kamael/tzapkiel (they do kill too)

and then will go on to every demon in the goetia that has destructive abilities to take these down…;
The list here comes from the mastering evocation course in pdf…;generally you they can be asked to deliver every form of destructive abilities they have, according to divine justice, and they will do so.

My intent though ‘without collateral damage to innocent parties’ is what I request.
It’s going to be insane…; but it will be just,

I will ask that they be judged according to their deeds and their intent today…; no more, no less…;
If they still think it’s ok to harm children today… well, …it’s going to be a sad day for the lovers of
vice for the sake of entertainment…;

Please still do feel free to add in your mix, anyone…;
I’d love to hear your list of beings you’ll work with, I’m starting off tomorrow…


P.S. Generally I spent my time doing beautiful things, uplifting the fallen, making the earth more beautiful for all, doing rituals for that, generating more positive energy in the world…;

I love to see goodness and benevolence thrive in the world. I love hapiness :slight_smile:


Yes the intent has been worded for the jar to ‘let him go’ when he learns his lesson.

He still has not learned his lesson though.