Even if the demon doesn't come, will she hear my request?

I summoned a demon for my request today, but she didn’t come home. Still I continued the ritual, did she hear my request ?

she most likely did. Some don’t really talk much, or you might have had your spiritual senses closed off.

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Good about having continued the ritual; occultists agree on giving the request anyway, and the possible license to depart (here instead there’s a bit of disagreement: some feel it disrepectful, others think it’s okay).

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they will depart whether you want them to or not :man_shrugging:

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Try meeting them at the crossroads or do a petition spell. One thing I always do is I will recite their enn at least 108 times, or I’ll play a recording of their enn while I travel inwards to meet them. I do this even when doing a petition spell. Doing this helps to form a bridge between me and the deity. So it brings them closer to this plane, in other words, it gets their attention, but it also brings me closer to them. This method works best with deities I already have a relationship with. Don’t forget to immerse yourself and learn about them if it’s a new deity you’ve never worked with before.


There are a few ways to help figure this out. The first is to call on her again and ask her for a sign. Another would be to use a form of divination and see what that system says about it. Maybe a yes/no to start and a more in-depth reading/version to see details as to why not.

Easiest is to petition her again and ask for a sign. It’ll be on you to be looking for those signs, whether they feel like a yes or a no. It may come in the waking world or in a dream, so keep that in mind, too.


In my limited experience, spiritual entities (especially those of our path) always come when called. I assume they are there but eventually you’ll know.



I have had many rituals where I felt like I was talking to the walls and they still worked , so yes ! You always connect with them when you call them whether you know it or not.