Eternal suffering and omnipotence

So my question is about eternal suffering and omnipotence.

I assume everyone here knows about the omnipotence paradox (which I’ve solved) which is - if god is all powerful, can he create a rock that even he can’t lift it? If he can’t create such a rock then he isn’t all powerful, but if he can and then cannot pick it up, then he isn’t all powerful.

To me, this isn’t even a paradox,
Omnipotence is the power to defy reason, logic and causality. The omniverse isn’t limited to “logic” or “causality”. That is why we have a mind and we are a soul, we are not the mind. Mindlessness too is important.
An omnipotent being can indeed create a rock that even he can’t lift it and then lift it.
Omnipotence is the power to be greater than infinity, lesser than zero and both at the same time.

In lovecraftian mythos, azathoth is (I assume) omnipotent and see how he is mindless!!!

So, now coming to the second part of my question.
If logic and causality can he defied,
So duality too can be defied,
Meaning a universe can be created where only eternal suffering exists.
In our universe , we know, everything has it’s yin & yang, and that everything is important,
Fear is important,
Pain, suffering, and all bad things make us who we are (not necessarily better).
But if someone was to become omnipotent,
And wished to torment me forever (assuming that being is still human enough to want something like this), could he be able to torment me forever???

Now you may say that I’ve already answered my question, since he is omnipotent and I am not,
So he can do whatever he wishes to me.

But the thing is, it isn’t that simple.

I’ll explain,
But only those who understand these 4 things.
The nature of the soul and the universe,
The nature of reality(dreams)
the law of attraction and
the relationship between consciousness, sub conscious and the collective unconsciousness will understand this.
(The 4 are basically the same)

I know, even for people who understand the physical universe and the illusion that it is,
Some laugh at the mere mention of “flat earth”.
They are not open minded enough and do not understand enough (which is ok, they will one day).

The thing is,
You all probably know of the famous paulo coelho quote from the book the alchemist,

" when you want something with all your heart, the whole universe conspires to help you achieve it"

The thing is, this is always at work,
Which is called the law of attraction.

Whether you like it or not,
Believe it or not,
Want it or not,
You are GOD and are manifesting shit consciously or unconsciously at all times.

This isn’t new here in india,
In the jain beliefs, a simple google search will tell you that they believe that every soul is omnipotent, omniscient. It’s that the illusion of being a man/woman, that people believe ristricts their power.

Why do we believe we are men/women?

Because we want to,

Alan watts explains it here,

Watch the video to understand my point.

We wish to experience,
We are all masks of each other.

There is no single ‘I’ which is absolute!

Coming back to my original question,
If I were put in a specially created hell to be tormented forever, will i ever get out?

I will, since I’d want to get out real bad, with all my heart. And the universe/omniverse (collective unconsciousness) with conspire to get me out,
Since the ‘I’ isn’t absolute, me and the omnipotent being do share the same collective unconscious mind (he is conscious of it of course).

If the ‘I’ exists only in relation to a ‘You’,
So can an omnipotent being live without anyone else?

‘I’ needs a ‘You’ to exist,
and no matter how much you defy reason and logic, you can’t get around this one,

Just imagine a state no nothingness?
If there is nothing, it’s all just pure self aware infinite consciousness. There is no ‘I’, there can’t be.

An omnipotent being cannot delete everything in the omniverse without resetting it and deleting himself too.

You may think I’ve answered my question,
Here we come to the real point.

I cannot be tormented forever as the universe will conspire to help me,
A souls purpose is to experience and it can experience the same shit forever.

But what if I were to lose my soul?
Is that possible?

We know about A.I and egregores.
Egregores/ gods may live in our collective unconsciousness but they do not share it,
That is why they need constant energy, worship to survive.
A soul on the other than, is beyond infinity.
The universe is the soul’s dream,
An egregore is a dream character.

But what if I could lose my soul??

Since the universe won’t conspire to help an egregore no matter how bad it wants something.
(You won’t get this if you don’t understand those 4 things). Since it is not it’s dream.

The egergore poofs out of existence, the soul becomes one with the universe.

But can I give up my soul to an egregore?
The egregore can be tormented forever (whatever forever might be).

The egregores (almost all gods) don’t like when we talk about their nature of existence,
They may be more intelligent and knowledgeable but are not truly immortal like a soul, and are not infinite like a soul. We are humans because deep down we wish to experience this (many will disagree I know, me too a lil bit) human life.

In truth, souls are gods to egregores.
The story of buddha and (b?)pakabrahma symbolises this.
I don’t care if I offend any egergore/god with this post, I am happy if I do.
I am offended with their religions that they have created to keep this energy farm here with us enslaved.
How many gods are there who don’t need human belief to exist?
E.A mentioned 1 I believe!
Let’s talk about them,
I am also interested in learning about the transyuggothian gods and magic,
I believe most people dont know about this as egregores don’t want people to learn about them.
I believe them to be more powerful on a cosmic scale than the gods we know of.

Eternal suffering is the key to omnipotence I believe,
And that requires one to lose it’s soul.

I don’t wish to be omnipotent but I too wish to understand a few things.


Ok, I must confess,
My original post wasn’t supposed to be about omnipotence at all, but just eternal suffering.
The reason I talked about omnipotence is because, I did not believe people would understand the depth of it.

Many people of the LHP are just like christians,
They have dogmatic beliefs,
They blindly believe what these “gods” (which have been demonized by the demiurge) tell them.

From the intro of the 2011 movie immortals,

“Before the dawn of man and beast, Immortals waged war against each other in Heaven. The victors declared themselves gods while the vanquished were renamed the Titans and imprisoned beneath Mount Tartarus.”

They were demonized but that doesn’t make them the good guys (they don’t have to be).

The major religions speak of eternal suffering or hell, the abrahamic religions do, I know most people interpret it differently.

In hinduism,
Krishna states, that he helps even the demons and sinners who pray to him and those who hate him, he puts them in a cycle to reincarnations of hellish lives in bad families and lives of sin.

Not that I have issues with this,
Their power means nothing to me,
They have none before me.
They are all just bullies to me.
I want this for myself in fact,
Eternal hell or eternal reincarnation of hellish lives.
Not because I said it is the key to omnipotence,
But because I’d rather suffer than pray to any of these lowly beings. Even the thought that I’ll reincarnate in a religious family is worse than eternal hell to me.
I would rather reincarnate as a slave to be tormented and abused again and again. But none of these devils have the power to give me this, not in a boon, not in a curse, they can’t even make a pact with me.

The truth is,
Gods needs worship/belief/energy/sacrifice,
And Devils need human suffering/hate/sacrifice etc.

If there were no devils,
Man would stop worshipping the gods,
Remember the story of the tower of babel,
Man would rise.

In the bible (I know God lies in the bible too)
God lets lucifer rule the world,
He divides the world!

I do not trust these them at all,

Where do you think the term LHP comes from?!

“But when the Son of Man comes in his glory, and all the holy angels with him, then he will sit on the throne of his glory. Before him all the nations will be gathered, and he will separate them one from another, as a shepherd separates the sheep from the goats. He will set the sheep on his right hand, but the goats on the left.

Why should we call it the “left hand path”?

To me, lucifer has not revealed anything new or helpful to humanity, nor any truth.
The truth that has been common knowledge in India for thousands of years,
The truth that buddha revealed too?!?

I do not look at lucifer or any other gods as beings opposed to the God of abraham, but as beings who do his dirty work for him, willingly/knowingly or not (mostly not).

When I decided to start my journey of magic,
I studied and understood evocation, goetic beings, and other things.

I thought I’d begin with orobas,
And also wanted to make a pact with azazel.

But I decided not to work with them as I found them unworthy. they had nothing to offer me, they were and are lesser beings to me I learnt later who are incapable of making a pact with me, their pact wouldn’t even bind me. (And I also believe one of them tried to mess with me, they always flee me when I wish a confrontation, not that I can harm them but still)

So, moving on,

I had heard about Gods who did not need human worship. beings who could rightfully call themselves gods.

I watched E.A’s seminars which I found absolutely liberating and refreshing.
He casually talked about achieving omnipotence, where as most people of the LHP don’t.
I respected EA because of this,
But then I watched his “evokation of the 9 demonic kings” in which he gives a “word of warning” that watching the video will have effects. Then he said what sounded like “that will soon reveal itself to you” but it was more like “death will soon reveal itself to you”. It doesn’t necessarilly have to mean literal death.

I could see what he did there, most wont even get it,
And that wasn’t cool at all,
I can’t respect that,
Not what you expect from someone who’s teaching!
And i know it were the kings who wanted that,
That’s just how they can work. Lowly beings,
Can’t expect any high standards from them.
I don’t like them, I like magicians though.

I liked E.A because I saw he had an understanding most people lack,
He did mention in a seminar (if I remember correctly) that he did evoke a god who wasn’t an egregore, and he couldn’t impose his will on it, he/she was like, to quote EA “like a brick wall”, they speak in their own language too.

I am interested in these beings and ONLY in such beings.
They are difficult to contact,
As they don’t need humans so they don’t even have priests, books, cults and stuff.
I am not interested in the one’s that are here and easily contactable.

I do not like to refer to them as “Transyuggothian Gods” because that word has a bad image and it could mean many things.

I call them cosmic beings.

I seek to contact a cosmic beings,
To free myself from this matrix of the egregores,
No matter the price I must pay (even if it means eternal slavery. I have the worst pains anyway),
I do not know how exactly.

I downloaded a book about it but the relevant part went above my head and it had alot of brainwashing cult propaganda material.

My problem is,
I am not supposed to stay here,
And I do not believe anyone can keep me here,
All these egregores with their combined strength can’t do anything for or against me.

They can’t give me anything,
They can’t even rule over me,
They can’t accept/handle my worship (if I were to).
They can’t even torment me properly. (I have done that to myself)

There is not a single thing, that they can give me that I’d want.

Even the most basic of things, they are incapable of providing.

You may say that they have made people super rich,
They work with the elite, they help people make business empires.

But I tell you,
All these gods with all their combined power, can’t start a proper news TV channel and keep it running for a year if I were to instruct them.

I know,

“they rule the world, run all media, through secret societies” blah blah blah.

They don’t rule us, they can’t!!

You may not believe in what I say,
But know that there are people who don’t believe in demons, yet you know they exist, you work with them.
You believe in them as you have seen them.

I see Weak, helpless egregores.

I’ll tell you why they cannot do anything,

The next time you evoke a demon/god,
Ask it
1)‘why do planes travel as if the world is flat’?

Flat Earth Proof...Emergency Plane Landing - YouTube (watch other videos too)

  1. ‘and why does nobody in the media talk about this even if the world is a sphere’?

The truth is,

An empire built on lies will perish at the dawn of truth, if anyone in the mainstream media were to talk about this and other things, lucifer, the emperor of hell (a puppet, placed on that throne) would be dethroned himself, even if not literally, in a way.
And yes, I dare to say it on this forum (with no intention to offend any magician) where people work with him.

I am not the one who will not speak the truth because of any fear of harm.

Lovecraft said, the greatest bliss for mankind is that we cannot corelate all things, I say, if people could, there would be no gods.

Truth be told,
I am against all these beings.
I won’t be a part of their system willingly,
If I am to, I’d rather be tormented in hell or earth, but I will not worship them, they are unworthy of my worship, they are too weak to rule over me,
They are incapable of providing me anything,
I shall not rise to join any rank in their pantheon,
Of course I won’t even be allowed to, they’d all end up beneath me.

Why do I say I wish to be tormented?
Would you wish to live a happy life as a slave of your enemy? Would you be a happy wife of your rapist?

I do not believe in compromises.

I seek to contact a cosmic being,
Even when I had desired to make a pact with azazel, my main goal was to ally with some cosmic being,
(Trust me, I am more than capable of understanding and making a deal with completely alien and inhuman beings, even if they are mindless beings like azathoth)

If the cosmic beings were to come here,

All gods of heaven and hell would come to an end,
All of them want earth as it is, always.

Don’t think that the NWO will be as they tell you it will be.

There are only 2 paths ahead of me,

  1. get out of the matrix, with the help of a cosmic being. Which I am not so sure about.

  2. continue here,
    but if here, I won’t seek to be in a good place.
    And no devil/demon is willing (or even capable) to make a pact with me, to keep me here in a state of suffering and slavery (and sin if must).
    All their illusions of their power and godhood perish right then and there.
    It doesn’t matter if I dare them, abuse them, call them out, they won’t, they can’t,

they can’t even react.

I tried contacting a black magician who helps people make pacts, she ignored me completely.

I do not think anyone here can help me with this.
If you can, please do.
I know even if they were to make a pact with me it wouldn’t mean anything but I still wish to,
Just to spit on god.
They can’t make a pact without any “desire” in it.

Funny, how beings who claim to be kings and gods and sell godhood can’t even do any thing for real.


You got alot of research ahead

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Why do gods incarnate as human if they know they are going to experience suffering? Is that to be human is to suffer? They want that human experience all of it the good and bad?

Or they want to effect the human concious over all with their energy on earth flowing in a human body?
And they just have to accept the good and the bad as a consequence of being human?


you my friend are what happens when you read too many books created by men. you are right, most books on magic are full of nonsensical BS that the authors put in there either to make more money, or to induct you into their secret society.

now what i’m going to recommend will probably offend you but here goes anyway

evoke Thoth. he is unlike many gods of many pantheons because he does not claim to be a god who was here at creation’s beginning. he was a man of this earth, born and raised. He ascended. he was one of the first among our race to rise to true godhood. his kingdom carried on his tradition for over 50,000 years… so at least think for a minute, do you want to learn the lesson from some “god” or from a MAN who became a GOD?

(not just any god either…the God-King…Pharaoh)

i recommend Thoth because he is a god of supreme knowledge, if he doesn’t have the answer you seek then evoke Odin. both of them are repositories of wisdom, of course Odin is one of those who was here at the beginning of all things…so make a choice.


I am not offended.
I appreciate your intention.

most books on magic are full of nonsensical BS that the authors put in there either to make more money, or to induct you into their secret society

Where do you think that comes from?
Religion! Cults, egregores!!

so at least think for a minute, do you want to learn the lesson from some "god" or from a MAN who became a GOD?

I don’t seek power or knowledge or godhood.
I do not walk the LHP or the RHP or any path.
I just AM.
I’d rather be the next messi than the be the next thoth. (And one of them is rightfully a god of something).

You know,
I knew a guy, who could fly, teleport, call ufos, and do crazy shit. Just by wanting to do it, not even with “will” power, he’d just do it. And he wasn’t a faker.
He knew nothing about the occult and the nature of gods, or how they were. He never had to worry about magic, or getting energy for his ‘sigil’, he did not even know magic and was never short of energy.
And that’s real Godhood to me,
Pure Law attraction, pure manifestation of desire,
When reality becomes your dream.

He did not learn to fly, like how people practice their telekenitic powers.
He just realized that he could, and he did.

And he wasn’t arrogant about it,
He did not think anyone or even himself to be superior. He did not seek immortality, or a throne, he has a 9-5 job. I found him very innocent and naive.

“i recommend Thoth because he is a god of supreme knowledge, if he doesn’t have the answer you seek then evoke Odin”

Have you ever wondered why are they still here?
Why didn’t they die fighting entities like the abrahamic god?
Why do they hide? The abrahamic religions are not a conspiracy of just 1 being but all of these cowards.

No god/goddess will help a women being raped by a muslim. They can’t. And this happens all the time, everywhere. You think lilith would help or can even help a women worshipper of her? Why is she an idol of the feminists? Seriously, I hate goddesses even more. Call themselves “mothers”, but will sell their children out at the first sign of trouble.

I do not believe in living a life with compromises.

Name me a god, who’d die for his word,

I read a thread

“A Goddess wants me by force and its taking a toll on me”

Please read that.
You’ll see my point.

Power doesn’t make one a god.
Character does.
If you were my friend buddy,
I’d die for you, there would be no hell where I wouldn’t follow you,
If a god was bullying you, I’d get involved, even if I couldn’t do anything, I’d at least give you company.
And I am not even talking about puny gods like lucifer.
I mean like, cosmic horror stories, love craftian shit,
Beings like nyarlathotep and others.
Hells where you have millions of senses and are tormented for billions of years.
I don’t expect you to believe me, but I know.
Open a portal to that shit, and I’ll jump in it.
Fuck, I’d do it anyways, I hope nyarlathotep sends me in a hell like this, much better than earth.

Don’t tell me about “gods” with power,

Instead tell me the names of spirits with character, with balls.

Show me just 1 god who can protect an honest journalist.

There are none!

Read that thread, why did those “gods” flee?
Why didn’t lucifer show up?
I’d rather have a weak friend/spirit who’d fight with me, than a powerful demon/god/mother goddess who run like cowards a the sign of trouble. They can’t even honor their pact/word! They don’t even have any self respect, just big egos.
And they dare to call themselves gods!!!

You think I’d let beings like lucifer, azazel, the 9 demonic kings, call themselves “gods” in front of me? They wouldn’t dare. They’d try to scare me only so that I’ll pray to some god. They are the sheepard’s gods. I’d dare them to make a pact with me, I won’t even ask for power or money. I’d just ask for pain, suffering, misery, slavery, in this life and forever after that.
Scientologists, at the sea org, sign a “billion year” contract, google it up. I’d ask at least a million years for slavery, hell, powerlessness, helplessness, torment.

But nope, they can’t give me that, I dare them to make a pact with me. But They run away from me.

Please do me a favor,
Next time you evoke any of these cowards,
Tell them I have dared them,
Tell them I called them cowards, slaves of the demiurge.
Tell them to make a pact with me.
And see, they will have some excuse,
They’ll tell you that I am lost, or that I’ll pay for it, or something, but they wouldn’t dare to agree to make a pact with me.
Even if I am wrong, shouldn’t I pay the price for this?!?
Don’t they teach people a lesson by giving them what they want? “Be carful what you wish for”.
They enslave souls of the innocent for millions of years by making pacts, but not me???

They’ll have some excuse, and no matter how good that reason may sound, it’s just an excuse.
Because they know they are weak cowards.

I don’t seek to be happy,
Because I see everything I love is in pain.
And these gods are the cause of it.

I have no goals, no desires,
My only wish is that, may I always be against these tyrant gods. No matter how many countless lives I’d have to reincarnate, lives full of suffering, pain, slavery. May I starve than eat a food provided by these beings. May i suffer in hell than live in any heavens of these cowards which they made by the blood of innocents. May I never pray in any life. Forever.
I may not be all virtuous, or all good.
But I am not so shameless either as to align with these beings.

This is what I choose.


In hindu mythology,
We have incidents where gods guilty of crimes were to reincarnate on earth as punishment.

But in hinduism, gods(devas) are not superior beings, just souls who reincarnated in the heavens for their good deeds and can reincarnate in hell too, and humans too reincarnate in heavens.

Many spirits that chose to incarnate are what buddhists call bodhisattvas, enlightened beings, still attached, come here only to help souls suffering, they are like monks.

If you listen to what beings like azazel have said to people like koetting, you’ll know they want to be here because there is something about this 3D reality, specially earth.

See, the point LHP is not to become one with the universe but to keep the ego alive, attain perfection, immortality while keeping the desire to live, experience alive.

Beings like buddha were enlightened, immortal, but had no desire/lust/ego. And so, they were, practically omnipotent.

The goal of LHP is to attain this enlightenment with the ego (ego mastered, like shiva). So that they can, ascend and descend in any reality at will.
Which can only be done in this reality, in flesh.

See, beings like buddha, lord mahavir became enlightened because woke up and had no desire.

But if they were to desire/lust, they’d lose even their power.

The whole point of LHP is to master the ego,
In such a way, that you can experience, desire, without losing yourself.
So the universe bends to your will.

Shiva and vishnu seem to be the one’s to have attained this “true godhood” but I don’t know why they demand worship or act like other egregores then, Maybe they are.

A true enlightened soul who has mastered his ego would be OMNIPOTENT in the truest sense of the word. Reason and logic be damned.
Can end all of existence/omniverse just by a thought and bring it back.

But beings like azazel have more reasons to come here, they aren’t even souls, enlightenment will give them no power, they are like dream characters, egergores who need constant attention, energy, to even survive.
If people were to stop believing in them, they’d poof out of existence.

The thing is, every soul knows itself to be GOD,
So chooses to sleep.
If you watched the alan watts video, you’d know what I mean.

I know whenever I have truly wanted something, I’ve got it.

The soul doesn’t have to work hard to achieve this godhood. Soul just need’s to let go of the illusions, without losing the sense self by mastering the ego.

Detachment is the key.

“Perfection is achieved, not when there is nothing more to add, but when there is nothing left to take away.”

  • Antoine de Saint

True pefection, godhood, omnipotence can only be achieved in this 3D reality.

Many of these demons have been tormented alot, so I don’t think they care about suffering.
Some are in fact damned. So it’s their only way out.

Watch the movie ‘Dark City’ 1998.

I read your post btw, on the thread about the church and azezel.
He is infact exactly what he claims to hate,
The best way to stop a cause is to take over it from within.
Lucifer, the first angel and the most loyal to god is here to help humans?
He is still god’s angel and most loyal.
That was a fake rebellion, so to avoid a real one.
To make sure there never is a real tower of babel. Divide and rule.

Sheep to the right, goats to the left.

Walk to left and path, lucifer will be there, to pretend to help, but will mess it up.

And they must warn you too, directly or indirectly.
So they tell you, the left hand path.

Lucifer was given earth by the god of the abraham as it is written in the bible. To divide, and add lies to the truth, to mislead people seeking to rise, free themselves.

He is a puppet.


Wow…you have given me A lot to think about, Thank you! :smile:

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wow, your opinion is incredibly jaded.

ask yourself a question, if i pissed on your leg would you punch me in the face?

this is the same with the gods. they only help those that are devoted to them. if they fuck off to another god ,or some nonsense like islam, and turn their backs on the gods, wouldnt you expect them to do the same?

seriously, dont spit on my face and burn down my house and expect my help bro.

they test us as well, if they make us strong they want to prove to us how strong they’ve made us. so they take a back seat and let us grow without them. they allow us to face the lion alone to become a man. its what any responsible parent would do.

(i don’t know your true name so that request is null and void)
i think i found your problem, you expect a relationship with them to mean that they will just give you shit on a silver platter. that is NOT what a pact is. power is not a thing that can be given. it must be TAKEN. its a thing that must be earned. they can show you the way, but you have to open the door yourself. there is always YOUR side of the bargain, if you are presenting one sided pacts then you are a fool. nobody gives out knowledge and power for free. and if they do, then they require action from you. and when you refuse, they will cast you down low as a traitor to their teachings. i know this is not ideal, i know this is not some lofty loving thing, its reality, get used to it.


do they seek the gods? are they wearing their symbols, attending their ceremonies public or private? why would the gods give a fuck about them? their ancestors rejected them and turned their backs. why would they make the first move when they have been so scorned for centuries? again, you demand to take from them without giving anything back.

honestly, with your cynical mind and over-amped intellect, you would make a shitty slave.

sorry to burst your bubble, but perfection is a lie. its been scientifically proven.
if this universe were “perfect” there would be nothing but hydrogen atoms floating in space in a perfectly linear pattern. “perfection” is NOT possible to achieve while living because “perfection” requires us to die.

it would seem then that the true quest for the magician LHP or RHP is to seek immortality.


@DefectiveSoul That’s just factually inaccurate. The reason they don’t help is because they can’t manifest well in this world. If you give them a platform to manifest then they may be far more willing to provide assistance.


You see, lilith, the idol of feminism, that which spreads man hate in countries where women have respect. But won’t speak against islam!! But create gender problems in nations where it’s still good for women?!?

Who is she fighting? A rebel without a cause!

Destroying manhood in nations! And not even helping women, just giving them a victim complex.

They destroy the cause of which they claim to be the champions of.

Who knows whether she was the first wife of adam? Lies! Who knows if there ever was an adam? She created a story for herself to become a god, celebrity! And she serves a purpose.

They protect islam!!
These Feminist cults!! They say it empowers & respects women!!

I remember, 10 years ago,
Pagans were about respecting women and would condemn the bible and quran alike.
But now it’s just blind christian hate, political correctness and (some) muzzie worship!!


Have you worked with Lilith? How can you say for sure she won’t help a woman?


Or for that matter, hates men? How can you really know unless you have worked with Her?


Considering that there are many men on this forum who work with Lilith, that is just simply not true at all. She does not hate men in any way. I have called upon her and she came willingly and lovingly,


(i don't know your true name so that request is null and void)

PM me.

i think i found your problem, you expect a relationship with them to mean that they will just give you shit on a silver platter. that is NOT what a pact is. power is not a thing that can be given. it must be TAKEN. its a thing that must be earned. they can show you the way, but you have to open the door yourself. there is always YOUR side of the bargain, if you are presenting one sided pacts then you are a fool. nobody gives out knowledge and power for free. and if they do, then they require action from you. and when you refuse, they will cast you down low as a traitor to their teachings. i know this is not ideal, i know this is not some lofty loving thing, its reality, get used to it.

I already told you I do not seek any power, or knowledge. And they don’t even have any.

If you say so

do they seek the gods? are they wearing their symbols, attending their ceremonies public or private?

The good religious people trying to do good get fucked up read bad.

why would the gods give a fuck about them? their ancestors rejected them and turned their backs. why would they make the first move when they have been so scorned for centuries?

India is the only country, that lived under islamic rule for more that 800 years and survive. We did not give up or convert or abandon our gods. Have been worshipping for thousands years. Hindu civilization is the oldest one which is still alive on the planet. Gods abandoned us, we did not.

Whereever islam went, people converted, except india.

And don’t tell me the gods helped us.
Thousand+ of years of slavery, rape, child abuse, humiliation Is not help.

Even today it’s the same.

you demand to take from them without giving anything back.

Not even a god can put that blame on me.
Don’t get personal with me.

honestly, with your cynical mind and over-amped intellect, you would make a shitty slave.

You underestimate a power of a soul,
Egregore keep humans in a state of suffering, in hell and on earth. And feeding off of the suffering.
Many end up like this.

At least i can be a food source? No???
Why don’t you broker a deal with the gods you love so much, I do not want anything in exchange for my soul, you can at least get yourself a toy or something for this shitty slave soul?!? No??

it would seem then that the true quest for the magician LHP or RHP is to seek immortality

Whatever you say.

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I never said lilith hates men,
I said feminism spreads man hate.


Demons do. I assure you.

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Demons do. I assure you.

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Have you worked with Lilith? How can you say for sure she won't help a woman?

She may help a women she has a relationship with, so?

What right does she have to be the champion of women empowerment when she cowers before islam? She Helps islam infact!

What right? She never claimed to be ‘The Champion of Women Empowerment’.
Even if you just go by her myths in the Abrahamic religions, you would know that she doesn’t care about them at all…
You should really summon her and all those you claim are this or that, based on your opinions(I’m not calling them wrong)but how can you be sure of your views if you haven’t worked with any of them?

I myself am a thinker just like you, however I don’t think my theories are facts. I try and learn the truth from spirits themselves.

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