Esu is papa legba?

i worked with papa legba yeas ago he popped into a dream months ago telling me that he wanted me to come to them. i felt confused on my spiritual path today and i heard a voice while i was driving saying " go to esu" when i google hes a gatekeeper. i wonder if they are they same.

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Papa Legba originated in Africa, but due to the african diaspora he was brought to Haiti, Esu is the Orisha version of Papa Legba. So in a way yes you can view them as the same.


I don’t personally work with either of these beings, so take my input with a grain of salt. In my experience, most spirits and deities have different aspects which make up the whole of the entity. For example, Lucifer’s highest aspect is Enki, the Mesopotamian god of science and magick.

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They’re all kings of the crossroads I believe…
The crossroads may be a power spot for you

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